02 March 2015

Baby's First Haircut!

Yesterday I finally decided it was time to cut Tate's wispy bangs. They were so long they were almost in his eyes if I didn't push them off to the side. 

This is his 'before' picture. :)

I have given all 3 boys their first haircuts in this wooden high chair.  I got it from my sweet Grandma Wehr - all of her boys sat in it for meals, us grandkids sat it in when we went to her house and I believe my Grandpa sat in it when he was a baby, too. 

Anyway, all three boys have sat in this high chair for their first haircuts!  I gave Tate some Gerber Puffs to keep him busy while I was trimming his wispy hair.  I didn't do a full cut, just trimmed a little here and there - the bangs, behind the ears and the very bottom in the back.  For the most part his hair looked good before, it was just those darn bangs that were bothering me!

Aiden held a baggie for me to put his first haircut clippings in.

Tate sat really well for the whole haircut, which lasted less than 5 minutes.  Those Puffs were the key to that!

Like I did after the older boys' first haircuts, I had my picture taken with the handsome, freshly cut boy!

Luckily this mini-cut didn't change my sweet baby boy's looks at all!  That's what I always dread for their first cuts, it makes them look so different after! 

How did your littles do with their first haircuts?

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  1. I found you on another blog. Following now! Your boys are adorable!
    It's amazing how much older kids look after their first haircut. My youngest is 18 months, and he had his first haircut at 6 months, and literally, every month since. His hair grows so fast!

  2. What a good boy! The hair cut looks great! I wish you lived nearby, I'd have you do Marcus' hair, too. :)

  3. He s so handsome. And might I say, you look so dang young and fresh faced. You are so pretty. I am so jealous!

  4. So handsome! We actually went all out getting the 'first haircut package' at a local kids cut place, but after that I've pretty much always cut Drew's hair. Sometimes we get it done at Great Clips for special occasions, but boys hair are just so easy to cut!

  5. I think Jeanette is going to need a haircut soon too for the same reason. Her bangs are in her eyes and I'm always pushing them over.
