16 March 2015

Last Week


Last week the weather warmed up and it was amazing!  We were outside every afternoon soaking up that Vitamin D!


One afternoon I sat out in the lawn chair feeling the warmth of the sun while reading my favorite book of all time, Summer Sisters by Judy Blume. If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time you know I read this book on the regular.  I read it in 2 days, again couldn’t put it down!  Then I finally started (and finished!) Gone Girl.  Am I the last person on the planet to read this book?  After I finally got into it I couldn’t put it down.  Was anyone else disappointed in the ending? It was such an exciting book most of the way through, then the ending was just meh.  Doesn’t mean I didn’t really like it, though. And I’m ready to watch the movie, which I hear ends differently. 

One afternoon Tate discovered the sand box!  Boy did he love it!  We had to drag him out of there or I think he’d still be in there digging!  I loved that all three boys were in there together, just enjoying the nice weather.


Oh I can’t wait for these pictures to have more GREEN in them!

Wednesday afternoon the boys had an early out. While Tate was napping they decorated Easter eggs.  I found a new dye to try. With this one you roll the dye on with mini paint rollers.  It gave the eggs a more brilliant color, plus the boys could be more creative with it.  They turned out great!


This weekend we worked outside quite a bit.  Part of it was for the basement remodel, which I’ll share with you later.  Sunday, though, I did some work in my flower beds.  I cut down the ‘dead’ stuff from my sedums, hostas, clematis, and asters.  Then we cut back the berry bushes and raked out the leaves that had collected there over the winter.

Next up I power washed the screened in deck.  The siding gets a coating of dust on it and just doesn’t wash off with a hose.  I also PW’d the deck floor, that same dust is a mess out there!  And I washed the patio furniture. Felt good to get that job done, now I can sit out there and enjoy the deck on the nice days coming up this week and let Tate walk out there in his socks or bare feet. 

Another thing we did was go out to my folks’ farm to watch the sheep getting sheared.  I’ll get a post up about that this week, too.  It deserve it’s own post for sure. 

I hope your weather is as fabulous as ours has been!  Talk soon!



  1. I've been keeping an eye on the weather at home (we are visiting soon!!!) and the weather is nothing short of perfect. I can't wait for the mild 50s, 60s, and even low 70s!
    Those egg paint roller things are cool! I hope they're still around in a few years when Marcus is a little more ready for them.
    Sheep shearing!!! My best friend had sheep on her farm, and she showed them for fair. Every July I spent a week on her farm helping with fair prep. One of my favorite things was when the sheep were sheared! Can't wait to hear all about your experience!!

  2. What a fun weekend! We had fantastic weather too. The kids are eating it up!
