26 February 2015

Mt Dew Cupcakes


So it’s never been a secret, I love Mt Dew!  It’s a problem, I know.

Sometime over the past week or so Andy saw a link to a recipe for Mt Dew Cupcakes on Facebook.  He tucked the idea away and then googled ‘Mt Dew Cupcakes’ to find the recipe.  He went to the store, bought all of the ingredients, and came home to make them with the boys for my birthday.  So super sweet!


I was surprised how many of you asked for the recipe!  Here is a link to the recipe Andy used.  They are very flavorful! Enjoy!

~ Erin


  1. This is the sweetest. Your boys sure do know how to spoil you. :)

  2. Sounds yummy! Your boys are so sweet to you!!
