06 March 2015

Happy 6th Birthday, Brennie Joe!


Today is my sweet little Brennie Joe’s 6th birthday!  He is one of the Pea Pod, for sure!  I see so much of myself at age 6 in Brennan, such as his shyness around adults, his need to be good and not get in trouble, his common sense, his pickiness to food and his care for others and their feelings.  One of my most favorite things about Bren is how much he cares for me. This sounds selfish on my part but it shows just how caring and compassionate he is!  He always asks me how I’m doing, how was my day, wishes me a good day before jumping out of the car at school.  Sometimes he wanders over to me and just lays his cheek on my shoulder and rubs my back with his sweet little hand.  He thinks of me and my feelings, a very good trait to have.


I asked Brennie to answer the following questions, here are his answers.


  • Color – RED
  • Food – Pasta with alfredo sauce
  • Song – anything by the Beatles
  • Book/Character – Cat in the Hat
  • Subject at school – PE
  • Restaurant – Pizza Hut (for their pasta, ha!)

What I want to be when I grow up: an Engineer

My perfect day: go to Chicago, see Lake Michigan, go to the Lego Store

If I could go anywhere in the world I’d go to: Adventureland

Anything else people should know about you? Um, that I’m smart!

My best friends are: Chase and Nolan


Brennan is the best brother!  He just adores Aiden, wants to spend all of his time with him. And he is so good to Tate, always getting him toys and patting him on the head when he cries to make sure he is ok. 

He loves to help around the house, with cleaning, doing dishes and helping cook and bake.  Once in a while he whines when I ask him to do something for me, but mostly he just jumps in and helps without complaining.


Bren is a good reader and a good student.  He is a good friend to everyone and has been invited to ‘Fancy Lunch’ by 3 of his classmates this year.  He really loves school and is a big fan of his teacher, Mrs. M. 

If Brennan could do anything in the world I think he’d choose to go golfing and fishing with his Dad.  Every time we go by a golf course he points it out and says “Dad, we could go golfing there!”  He gets his clubs out a lot in the spring and summer and hits balls around the yard.  Shhh, don’t tell him but we got him his own fishing pole and tackle box full of tackle for his birthday!!! He’s going to go bananas!


Bren, I’m so proud to be your mommy!  You make me so happy and I love you so so much!  Happy Birthday, Buddy!


  1. Awwwww. Happy (belated) Birthday!
    What a sweet little man you have. And seriously, Pizza Hut pasta is amazing.

  2. Such a handsome fella. I hope he had a great birthday.
