16 September 2013

The Fifth Month–18 Week Baby Update

Yesterday I opened up my “What To Expect When You’re Expecting” book to the spot I had bookmarked from last week, the spot I’ve been at for the last 5 weeks.  And guess what, 18 weeks wasn’t there!  That’s because I have moved into ‘The Fifth Month’!!!  I was so surprised, it totally snuck up on me!  I mean, the Fifth Month is the middle month!  The middle of the pregnancy!  Which means after the Fifth Month we’re on the downhill side of this whole journey!  Give me a moment while I catch my breath, I might be hyperventilating right now.

In through the nose, out through the mouth.  In through the nose, out through the mouth…

Okay, I’m better now .. I think. 

So, with the realization of being in my FIFTH MONTH (in case you haven’t heard me say that yet) came the first time I felt the baby kick on the outside.  Now, I know what you may be thinking – it’s too soon for me to feel it on the outside already.  I agree.  But I totally felt it.  I had my hand on my bump, right over where the baby was going crazy kicking, and I felt it tap my palm!  Baby has been kicking a lot over the past couple of days, which is super exciting, but last night it was on overdrive.  I do believe the baby either LOVES or HATES chili, because that’s what I had for supper and boy did I have heartburn last night!  That’s the reason I suspect Baby doesn’t like chili, because of the heartburn.  But with it kicking like crazy maybe it actually really loved it! ???  Who knows. If you follow me on Instagram (homemadehappenings) you saw that I couldn’t fall asleep last night because of the heartburn.  I took a Tums and about 10 minutes later was falling asleep, so luckily TumTumTumTumTUMS worked (remember their old commercials with that song?).

Enough about that, I thought I’d share a picture of what the bump looks like from my bird’s eye view. The camera made my chest look extremely wide, that’s a bit exaggerated (thank goodness) but the bump is pretty accurate.

18 weeks

It’s just past my boobs now.  So far still coming straight out so I don’t feel any wider than I did before (except for my butt which is ha-UGE, ha ha!). 

And a terrible shot in the bathroom mirror.

18 weeks

Last, I am having hot flashes.  They aren’t coming as often or as HOT as they did when we were dealing with 90+ degree temps, but they are still there.  I never had hot flashes with the boys so this is new for me (as is the heartburn starting so early).

2 weeks from today we get to see our little one – we have our 20 week ultrasound!  No, we will not be finding out the baby’s sex, you’ll have to wait 22 more weeks for that! 

Have a great one!



  1. Oh your baby bump is soooo tiny. I love it. Half way there!!! I can't believe it. So have you started on the nursery? What have you done??

  2. You are so cute! I would almost bet you that my fat bump is bigger than your baby bump!

  3. Love this post! You are just trucking right along =) Are you sure you don't want to find out the sex?!?! =)~

  4. Your bump looks so cute! Good for you for not finding out ahead of time! We never did. It's more fun that way!!

  5. Look at that belly... finally!! :)

  6. yay! the rest will fly by! Sometimes I miss being pregnant, but when I'm holding my lil guy I'm so thankful he is in my arms. I can't wait for 22 weeks from now! :)

  7. You look great!!! Sorry about the heartburn! NO fun!!! I remember going through lots of TUMS!

  8. I was lucky and never had heartburn but I hear it sucks so sorry girl!
    You look amazing!
    Your amazing for no finding out ;)

  9. Yay, I'm excited you're not finding out the sex!! I think it's such an amazing surprise at the end!! Sorry about the heartburn. I had it bad with both, I totally understand! I hope you got some rest today!
    And again, your belly looks small to me!!

  10. Your bump is so cute!
    Can you believe how fast this is going?!!!

  11. The fifth month was always my favorite (a baby bump yet not totally uncomfortable).
    I love all the stuff you pinned on pinterest!
