04 September 2013

16 Week Baby Update

16 Week Baby Update

At my appointment yesterday my doctor suggested I get the Quad Screening test done.  I have never done this test before, but with our history from the last pregnancy Marther’s thought it was a good idea to just do it.  So off to the lab I went for them to draw a vial of blood.  There are a couple of outcomes that could come from this test.

  1. It comes back negative and we get the reassurance that nothing is wrong with the baby (i.e. Down’s Syndrome, Spina Bifida).
  2. It comes back positive and we go to the big hospital in the big city to have a Level 2 Ultrasound done. 

This can go 2 ways also. 

  1. It shows something wrong with the baby, or
  2. The screening came back with a false positive, meaning nothing is wrong. 

My dr. told me if it does come back positive to begin with, that more often than not it is a false positive, so not to worry until we get the L2 US done.  Easier said than done.  I’m just going to keep praying until we get the results back that it is negative and we can rejoice and move on.  There’s always something to worry about when a mom, right?

I forgot to ask how long it takes to get the results back (I think it’s weeks) but when I do I’ll let you know what they are.

My next appointment (my 20 week appointment) is Monday, September 30th!  Wow, 20 weeks is only 4 weeks away?  How did that happen?  I’ll have my regular ultrasound that day also, can’t wait to see this little lumpkin again!

I do have to admit that in the hours leading up to my appointments (which are all at 11:00) I do nothing but think about our baby we lost.  My thoughts are overwhelmed with the little guy, wondering why we are now statistics.  Why that happened to us and to him.  Was it to teach me a lesson to be more compassionate?  Or to not take life for granted?  If that’s the case I don’t understand why the little one had to suffer for me to learn a lesson.  Doesn’t everything happen for a reason? What was the reason for our loss and our pain?  These are questions that I’ll never have answered.  But these appointments make me think… 

Looking forward to my next baby update, Week 20!



  1. I will be praying that the test results comes back negative.
    A lot of times I have questioned why I lost my son too. I've never found any answers but like you I'm convinced there must be some reason. I'm always here if you need a shoulder. Try to focus on this wonderful little rainbow baby.. love you.

  2. Prayers for good results. So very soon you will know the sex of this little one!! Exciting!!! I love you Erin. I don't know the reason you lost your precious little one but I do know you are an amazing person and I'm so glad I found your blog.

  3. Praying for good results!! With my 2nd baby when they did the 20 week ultrasound they thought they saw something that might be signs of down syndrome so we had to go to a specialist to get the level 2 ultrasound done and everything turned out to be perfectly fine - so even if you end up having to go there, try not to get too worried, I know that is definitely easier said then done but you just have to trust God and take everything one day at a time - we will never understand why we lost our precious babies, it is something I still think about to this day ... I just thank God for the 2 angels he did give me and enjoy every minute with them. I'm glad to see you are doing well and you look adorable!! =)

  4. Praying for you Erin!!! I can't even imagine what you must be feeling. I think my sister had this test done with her first baby, and she did get a false positive result. So, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take this test with a grain of salt!

    Could your bump be any cuter?!?!?

  5. I'm praying that the tests come back negative!! Im hoping everything is ok.
    You look so great! Such a tiny bump!
    And how fast the time is going!
    I couldn't imagine how you're feeling about your little angel baby, I'm so sorry.

  6. You are a brave lady!! I'm sure all those questions drive you crazy, I know they would me. But I'm so grateful that you have another bun in your oven. :)

  7. I can see how this position would be a scary one to be in. But try not to let it stress you out--focus on the positive, like what a cute preggo you make and how nicely this pregnancy is going!

  8. I'm going to do a negative test results rain dance for you. Stay positive! :) I can't believe you're almost 1/2 way there already!

  9. Your pregnancy seems to be flying by! Thinking about your little angel I'm sure is hard but its probably also a good thing. He's up there and knows that you love him so much! Keep staying positive mama!

  10. This so reminds me of my pregnancy. Given that J's due date was the same as yours. September 30th was the day we had our 20 week ultrasound to find out J was a boy.

  11. Thinking of you and praying for good test results!

  12. How are you already at 16 weeks?
    Sending lots of prayers and hugs your way.
