23 September 2013

Prayers For Harper and Lora

This is a short post because my arm/hand is killing me today.  Did s/t to it last week and it's hard to type today, have it all wrapped up so hoping it's better tomorrow.

In the meantime, fellow pregger Lora at Raising Steppe Sisters had her sweet baby boy Harper last night, 13 weeks early.  :(  Little Harper weighs in at a whopping 1lb 9oz and needs all of our thoughts and prayers.  I'm sure Lora, her husband and 2 daughters could use our prayers for strength also.  So please, if you're the praying type please add Harper, Lora and family to yours today.



  1. Kimmy just made a Caring Bridge page to help with expenses and medical bills. I will have her share the link! :)

  2. Definitely praying for Little Harper and Lora.
