09 September 2013

Baby Update –17 weeks

Week 16 turned out to be a big week for me!  Not only did I have my check up last Monday, but this is the week I felt the baby move for the first time!  Yep, I am officially marking Week 16 Day 4 (Thursday, Sept 5th) as the first time I felt the baby move!  There’s a chance I felt it last Sunday and again on Monday, but I’m not 100% on those 2 times, but Thursday I am positive I felt it and I’ve felt it move a few times since then. 

Just like with both boys it was a definite drop kick.  No butterflies or bubbles for me!  Nope, just a good solid KICK, like “Hi Mom, here I am!”  I was sitting in the chair watching the opening game of the NFL season with Andy and the boys and was emailing a dear friend when I felt it.

Now that I’ve felt the little tiddler kick I try to focus all of my energy on it and will it to kick some more.  Did any of you mommies do that when you were pregnant? 

Feeling the baby kick is such an amazing feeling!  I feel so blessed to be having this experience again. 

As for how I’m feeling, I’m feeling great!  The heat this weekend was a bummer, it really saps the energy right out of me.  I didn’t get sick from the heat at the game like I was worried I would, but it definitely didn’t make me feel outstanding.  I’ve started getting some heartburn but nothing too major.  It really started around 12 weeks but was so light that I wasn’t really sure if it was pregnancy induced or not (although I don’t get heartburn when not pregnant so not sure what I was thinking there). Now it seems to come about 9:00 most nights, really light and usually goes away on it’s own.  Some afternoons I notice it a little bit, too. 

My bump is out there and ‘solid’ enough that it looks and feels like pregnancy, not just chubbies.  I love resting my hand on it and rubbing it every so often.  This used to drive me nuts when I’d see other preggers doing this but now I don’t care what others think, I just want to enjoy the feeling of pregnancy and being pregnant as long as I can.  Right now I feel cute, I also want to enjoy that feeling as long as possible because I know I will be big as a house by the end of the pregnancy and feeling cute will be far from my mind.

Last week I walked on the treadmill 4 days in a row, and it felt great!  I didn’t do any walking this weekend because it was so busy and I was so worn out but today I’m back on the mill and I can’t wait! 

Erin and Baby


  1. Aww!! Baby kicks are AMAZING! I miss them! lol
    So glad your feeling good!!!
    Have a fabulous Monday!

  2. Ok now your making me want to be pregnant again! You are too cute and yay for feeling the baby kick! So exciting!!

  3. YAYAYAYA!!!! Go baby go!!!

  4. I love this! I'm so happy this pregnancy is going so well for you and you are enjoying it so much!

  5. I am so happy for you!!!

  6. I miss the kicks! I remember the exact day I first felt Marcus kick (but his were more just little flutters). It's such an amazing feeling.
    Enjoy this time, momma!!

  7. AWWWW I miss the baby kicks too.. So happy and excited for you.!!

  8. Good for you for keeping up with the treadmill!! :)

  9. Awww.... I miss those baby kicks (not enough to start over again though)

  10. You look so cute, and sound so happy!! Rub that bump all day long!! And so glad you can feel it, even if it is hard swift kicks!! Easy baby, take it easy!!

  11. So fun! I loved having a "shelf" to rest my hands (or a drink) on.

  12. Haha, sounds like me! When I first started feeling the baby move, I spent so much time just focusing on my belly willing the baby to move again. :)
