07 May 2013

St Louis

Happy Tuesday!  Or as I like to call it “Crashing and Realizing I’m Back To The Shitstorm That Is My Life After Being Gone All Weekend and Having The Time of My Life”.  I’m dragging today but have about 5 loads of laundry to get caught up on, beds to change, floors to vacuum and mop and a bathroom to clean.  Poop.  But instead of whining about all of that I’ll shower you with pics from my weekend, which was AAAAAAAmazing!

First off, a picture of us girls heading down the interstate, full of piss and vinegar!


I told them I’d take a pic on the way home to show how NOT excited we are to be driving home, but was too tired and forgot.  But you can clearly see we are EXCITED to be heading south! 

When we got to St Louie we went shopping for cheap jewelry (ABC Trader)  and cheap shoes (DSW).  Then we went to the hotel, ate their free junk supper, then put on our jammies and crawled into bed at 7:30!!!!  Ha!  We are party ANIMALS!  The gals all took Ambien, and I laid awake most of the night.  Can’t sleep the first night in a hotel, boo!

Saturday it was mall time!  We got there early, before the mall opened (eager much?), so we grabbed a drink to pass the time.  We ended up sitting outside of the Claires and my friend, Angie, mentioned she wanted her cartilage pierced.  Well I wasn’t going to let that go!  I badgered her and talked her into doing it!  So we walked in the shop as the gal opened the gate and she sat down and got her ear pierced! 


That one kills me, she looks so thrilled!




There it is! Right above the first ‘m’!  She felt pretty bad ass all weekend with that little gem! 

After Claire’s we hit up another store, then I headed down to the Cheesecake Factory to wait for Holly, Mel and Becky.  I was so dang nervous!  My chest felt heavy, I was having a hard time breathing, it was awful!  But Holly showed up first and just started talking and never stopped!  She was very friendly and I got over my nerves pretty quick.  Next, Becky came.  She was so nice and friendly!  My friends showed up and we all went in to eat.  We were all sitting at the table, looking over the book of a menu when Mel showed up.  Gah!  That girl, I just have no words for how awesome Mel is!  She’s exactly like I thought she would be!  We had a fun, laughter filled lunch.  It was great meeting these gals IRL.


After lunch, a little more shopping before we headed back to the hotel to get ready to go out that night.  Oh, and we grabbed a piece of cheesecake to go, and it was delicious!


Kelley, Angie, Lyndi and me (in that order).

We went to The Big Bang, a dueling piano bar (although I have never understood the ‘dueling’ part, b/c they don’t!).  We had a great time there, as usual!  Sang and danced the night away!


Nose shot!


Ever seen anyone do that before?!?  I dare you to try it! Ha ha!  Angie, she’s the funniest person I know and she is funny without trying!  The stuff that comes out of that girls mouth is crazy!  Plus she has the sweetest, nicest personality.  She’s one of those ‘go to’ friends when you need a shoulder to cry or vent on.  Love her!

We got back about 1 that morning, so not too late.  Slept like a rock, got up and went to the show on Sunday.  I somehow didn’t take one single picture at the show! Duh, what was I thinking?  Found a couple of deals on CHI products so am going to try that line.  One of the gals we were with swears by it so I’m willing to give it a whirl.

We went back to the hotel around 2 and laid down for a nap before our big night out to Sundeckers.  Now, I think Sundeckers is probably a pretty quiet bar most weekends, but when the State Beauty Supply show is in town that place is hoppin’!  We have an amazing DJ (you might have heard of him if you’re a Cardinals fan, I think you guys call him “That One Guy”.  We call him Todd, because we know him personally.  I know, we’re pretty awesome. Jealous?) and dance the night away!  Once things get going I don’t usually sit down the rest of the night because this girl is a dancing fool!!!  Our running joke is that we’re going down there to dance our asses off, because we do!  Before we left my husband told me to turn around so he could remember how my butt looked before I danced it off! Ha ha!  Anyway, we killed it on the dance floor that night!  We ALMOST shut the place down!  Left about 2:30.  So so SOOOOOOOOO fun!!!!


Lyndi, Kelley and Deana.


The ever beautiful Angie!


I had promised Mama Chrissy I’d send her a pic of us dancing, so that’s what this is.


Us posing with one of the ‘bouncers’ being photo bombed by the guy on the right.  (BTW- Angie is the photo bombing champ!)


And do any of you know this gal by Angie???  She is SO cool!  We had so much fun with her!  Don’t know her name.  Her husband was super cute and fun too!  They were a great couple, totally in love.  Angie can make friends with anyone, so somehow her and this gal got together, ended up ‘pole dancing’ together in a contest, didn’t win but they should have because they were the best! 

We got up around 8 Monday morning, skipped the show, and packed up and headed out around 10:30.  We laughed and told stories the whole way home about the weekend.  Made it back home around 3.  It was such a great weekend, non-stop fun and I miss my friends so much already!  I just love spending all that time with them and never want it to end! 

I hope you made it to the end without falling asleep, it’s a long post! 

Have a great day,



  1. Yay you're back! Sounds like you had an amazing weekend. I would've totally been dancing all night with you too. Glad you had a great time. :)

  2. Anonymous07 May, 2013

    I am so glad your back! I'm so happy you had such a great time!!! You SO deserved it! Words cant describe how jealous I am of you meeting holly and mel! someday though right!? And p.s. LOVED the shirt you got mel on ig :)

  3. I'm so jealous of your girls weekend! I'm glad you had a fun weekend away, you deserve it!
    How far was your drive to St. louis? I think St. Louis is only 4-5 ish hours from me maybe?

  4. I am so glad that we finally got to meet! And can I say I was so nervous too!! That's probably why I didn't say more than five words the whole time :)

    We so need to do that again! Maybe, I can figure out a way to take a girls trip to Iowa sometime!

    Glad you had a great trip! Your friends are so fun!!!

  5. AWWW!!! Looks like you guys had a blast! I do appreciate the dancing pictures!!! And I so glad my friend is back on the grid! I missed ya like crazy!!

  6. Looks like you had so much fun!! I am soooo jealous! Seriously, next year, I am so there and I am going to "shake off my ass" with you, because Momma loves to dance!! ha ha ha!

  7. Your trip sounds like it was a freakin' blast!!

  8. Love, love, love all the photos!! It sounds like you had so much fun!! Yay!!! I'm,glad to hear it!! You so deserved it, too!!! Now, we need to plan a day so I get to meet you!! One day , one day! So glad you had a blast!

  9. How fun.. now I need a girls night!! Lol

    Erica Dee

  10. Looked like you had a great great weekend! YAY. haha no back to reality..BOOO :(
