17 May 2013

11 Years

Happy 11th Anniversary to my dear, sweet, amazing, loving husband!  11 years, WOW!  It has been the best years of my life!  Here are 11 things I love about my husband, Andy.McGuire Family[490]

  1. On a really nice, pretty, amazing day he’ll say “It’s really Erin out today”
  2. He calls me sweet nicknames, like Flower, because he says I’m like one – fragile, pretty, need handled gently and with care
  3. He is always thinking of me, and sends me texts saying so
  4. He always spends his first 5 minutes when he gets home with me, and tells the boys he will play with them when he’s done “flirting with your mom”
  5. The boy can make me laugh like no other, and he kind of gets my jokes.  If he doesn’t get them he laughs anyway because they are so off the wall!
  6. I have more fun with Andy than with any other person in the world
  7. He can’t keep his hands off me, which makes me feel beautiful and wanted
  8. He lets me pick the music to listen to in the car, which is most often oldies, and doesn’t complain when I sing along (badly) to every.single.song
  9. He agrees to go to whatever restaurant I want to eat at, even if it’s pizza – again – for the millionth time
  10. He works hard so I don’t have to – meaning he goes to work every day while I get to stay home and play house, then he brings me home a Mt Dew when I call him whining that the boys are driving me nuts
  11. He reaches over to play with my hair while we’re driving down the road

Thank you, dear husband of mine, for an amazing 11 years of marriage!  Never a dull moment, always a house full of laughter and fun.  Growing old and gray with you is FUN!!!

McGuire Family 036

Erin, a.k.a. Flower


  1. Happy 11th Anniversary!! What a cute post.. great pictures! :)

  2. This is quite possibly the most adorable thing I've ever read! It is so much squee!

    Andy sounds like a sweetheart and I'm so happy for you both! Happy anniversary!!!

  3. So sweet!!! Happy Anniversary Erin & Andy!!!!

  4. Anonymous17 May, 2013

    Happy Anniversary you guys! You are SUCH a cute couple and I hope you showed him this so he feels extra loved :)

  5. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY...it is mine too {5 years}. You both sound super in love, and I love that!

    1. Happy Anniversary to you, too!!!

  6. What is up with everyone trying to make me cry today?? You and HJ! Happy Anniversary my love! Enjoy!

  7. Happy Anniversary my friend!!! Sounds like he's a keeper! :)

  8. Awe so sweet! Happy anniversary!

  9. OH my gosh, this brought tears to my eyes, so sweet :) I love that he tells the boys to wait cuz he's flirting with their mom, so cute!! Obviously youre very happily married so cheers to your happiness :) Have a great weekend!

  10. Happy 11th Anniversary!! :) You are both very lucky to have each other!! I wish my husband was as romantically clever as that. lol

  11. Happy 11th Anniversary Erin & Andy! wish you many more :)

  12. Happy Anniversary!
    I hope your day was perfect!!

  13. What a beautiful post!! You two are so sweet!! I hope your anniversary was amazing! Happy Anniversary!!

  14. Happy Anniversary, you guys are too cute!!!
