24 May 2013

A Random Post for Hot Mess Express

Thank heavens it’s Friday!  What a week this has been!  So busy, so much crammed in to one week, it’s ridiculous!

Because of the Mother’s Day makeover at school that Aiden gave me, Brennan insisted on painting my fingernails.  Here’s a picture of that.


And I forgot to show you a picture of my little guy on his last day of 3 yr old preschool.


They had a water day for their last day so he wore his swim trunks to school.  Look at how excited he was for that day!

Last night Aiden had ball pictures taken, I can’t wait for those to come back!

Today is my last day with Baby Aspen.  I am so so sad!  She will be here periodically this summer, but I won’t get to snuggle her every day.  I’m hoping she’ll be back in the fall.  Brennan is going to miss her as much as I do, that boy is in LOVE with that little girl!

Aiden is feeling much better today.  I did take him to the doctor yesterday to be sure it wasn’t something more serious, and they did test him for Appendicitis, so I wasn’t so crazy after all thinking it could be that!  It was just viral, it’ll run its course and I have been on him to drink drink drink.  He’s back at school today, his last full day of 1st grade.  On to 2nd grade, I guess.  Boo hoo hoo!!!! Waaaaaa!!!!  Why do they have to grow up?!?  But I guess that’s fun, too, watching them grow and change and mature in front of your very eyes.

We have the first of 3 family weddings this summer this weekend.  I’m so excited that my cousin’s fiancé is joining our family! She is so sweet and amazing!  We love her and she fits in great with us!  Sunday we are cemetery hopping.  We are going out in search of family members that we never knew but want to pay tribute to and to see their final resting place.  I think walking through all those cemeteries trying to find that needle in a haystack will be fun, as long as the rain holds off!  Otherwise we’ll be going sometime in June when it’s sunny, and probably hotter than hades!

OMG, did you see these pics of Maya Rudolph spoofing funny family photos?  Hilarious!  That girl is so dang funny!  This one if my favorite!

Better get moving, we are meeting my mom for lunch today.  Brennan is bouncing off the walls with excitement!  Have a great, safe, FUN Memorial Day Weekend!



  1. Yay for using "hot mess express" in your title!! Bahahaha. Have a good time at the wedding!

  2. Sounds like a fun weekend! Can I just say that Brennan is adorable? he looks really tall for his age!

    Have fun this weekend!!

    Talk to you soon!

  3. Have a great weekend! Sounds like its full of family time, my favorite kind of time! =)

  4. I hope you guys have a great weekend! As weird as it sounds, I'd love to do the cemetery thing too!! And Maya Rudolph is HILARIOUS!!!
