28 May 2013

Craptastic Weekend

Happy Tuesday-Monday!!!  I’m going to be so messed up on what day it is all week!  Aside from Monday being ‘Sunday’, today is Aiden’s last day of school so he will be home the rest of the week which will totally throw me off, too!


How was your long weekend?  Our was wonderfully crappy.  Crappy because it was a wet, wet weekend.  Lots of flooding again.  And so many fields were finally planted but are now under water, which means replanting. And replanting this late in the season is going to be really, really tough. 

This looks like a really neat lake next to the road, but no, it’s a field.


You can see in this picture where the crick is supposed to be, right between those two rows of grass, and can clearly see how far out of the banks it is.  That’s another field all under water.


The flooding is never a good thing, but when it hits after the farmers have their fields planted it’s ever worse.  It affects everyone, from gas prices (ethanol) to the cost of food. 

The good part of the weekend was that Saturday my cousin, Bryan, got married to the sweetest girl.  Roxanne is such a beautiful, awesome, amazing addition to our family and I’m so happy to call her my cousin! 

We arrived at the wedding about 45 minutes early so we hung out in the car watching it rain. (Warning, if you follow me on Instagram {homemadehappenings} you have already seen some of these.)





They were supposed to get married outside on the college campus they met at (and her dad is a professor at), but with all of the rain it had to be moved inside to one of the buildings on campus.

It was a great night to celebrate Bryan and Roxanne.  The food was amazing, great dancing, awesome company…  I can’t wait to watch these two grow their family!

We visited the cemetery this weekend, but did not do the cemetery hopping we were planning on, due to the rain.  But I did snap this picture of the entrance to our hometown cemetery where most of our family is buried.


While driving around this weekend I looked in the backseat and saw this, it made me so happy! 


Aiden has become quite a good reader, which makes this reading mommy’s heart smile!

One more picture.  The card I made for the wedding.  I was super happy with how it turned out.  I sewed the ribbon on with my sewing machine.


I hope you all had a great weekend and enjoy your short work week!  Talk soon!



  1. Oh heavens that some water. Ugh... What a beautiful bride...

  2. Despite the water, it looks like you had a fun weekend. The only thing that scares me more than tornadoes are floods!!

    Hope you have a good week.

  3. Those pictures are insane! I can't believe that first one is a field, not a lake! Boo, rain! :(

    Glad you had a fun wedding and got to get in some good family time. We didn't go to the cemeteries this weekend either. We'll probably go some other time, though, when there's less rain!

  4. I'm sorry it rained all weekend! Atleast the wedding was fun!

  5. I love that card!! It looks like it turned out perfect!!
    Wow, with all the flooding does it make Andy super busy at work? I hope those farmers crops still come up ok!!
    Good boy for reading, I can never doit n a car, I get so sick!!
    Sorry that you didn't get to do the cemetery hopping you would have liked! It would have been neat to see the photos!

  6. Oh my goodness that card is so so so cute! And your little boy reading? So awesome I hope mine have a love for it, so far hunter does! I cannot believe that lake/field that is CRAY! Hope it clears up soon!!

  7. All that rain. Ugh. No thank you.
    I find it awesome you used the term "crick." NO ONE around these parts has any idea what that is. HA!
