12 September 2012

Odds And Ends

I LOVE Ally McBeal! That show is so funny and witty. I have started watching episodes on Netflix in the afternoons when Bren is napping. I watched it back in the day when it was on FOX and it is still just as good today.


I washed windows today.  We have the kind of windows that have blinds in between them.  I hate them.  So I took the inside storm window off, washed those front and back, took off the blinds, washed behind them, and then put them all back together again.  Man alive did that make a HUGE difference!!!  I washed outside and in back in the spring but didn’t go between the storms. I didn’t know how dirty the insides were until I finally cleaned them today. Now, crystal clear!


We went and watched our niece play her very first volleyball game last night.  She is in 7th grade.  She is on the ‘B’ team but she did very well.  Back when I played in 7th grade most girls served underhand and we only bumped the ball, no setting or spiking.  Now it was all overhand serving, then bump, set, spike.  They tried, really hustled, but fell short.  I’m looking forward to her next game, though.  It’ll be fun to watch these girls as they grow.


I am going to put out my fall decorations tomorrow.  I keep putting it off because I don’t want to get sick of them – after all, they will be out until after Thanksgiving, which is eons away.  But I can’t wait any longer, I am anxious to get them out and get Fall here.  Tomorrow it is supposed to be a rainy, cool day, perfect for burning some Fall scents in my scentsy burners and decorating the house for Fall.


Speaking of Fall, I wish people used the word ‘Autumn’ more.  I like it better than Fall.  So Autumn it is.  And it’s Dinner, not lunch.  And supper, not Dinner.  Yep, I’m a Mid-West gal. Smile


Brennan told me he wants to be a scarecrow for Halloween a week ago.  I started planning out his costume, thinking how perfect it was that he had bib overalls to use already.  Yesterday he informed me he now wants to be Woody from Toy Story.  Back to square one.  Aiden still doesn’t know what he wants to be.


With Autumn comes craft shows. Do you go to any?  My mom, sister and I always go to our hometown’s craft show.  It is this weekend and I can’t wait.  I hope to find some fun things for the house. 


Ok, that’s all for now.  I just realized I haven’t posted any pics for awhile.  I love to scrapbook but just realized I don’t take very many pictures of the boys and our daily life anymore.  That will be a new goal for me.  Hopefully it’ll make this blog more interesting for you.  Have a great night!


1 comment:

  1. Want to come wash my windows? Mind are nasty, too. They have screens between some of them that are full of cobwebs. I keep telling myself to make a day out of it and get it done... but it hasn't happened.

    And I hope the Woody costume is a little easier for you! HA. :)
