11 September 2012

A Day In The Life

I am linking up with 'Where We Can Live Like Jack And Sally' today. She is doing a 'Day In The Life' link up. Go check her and the other blogs out! Here's my day yesterday.

6:45 a.m. Brennan wakes me up while climbing in bed with me to snuggle.

7:00 The near-by church bells ring, telling me it's time to get my day started

7:10 I am dressed and making the boys breakfast.

7:28 I wake up Aiden (the boy never sleeps in, why on a Monday when we need to get ready for school?)

7:45 All 3 of us are brushing our teeth

8:02 Out the door, taking Aiden to school

8:10 Back home with Bren, now what to do? Oh yea, watch Matt Lauer. :)

8:35 Start a load of laundry

9:00 Remember I forgot to send a snack with Aiden for his class, haul butt out of here with it

9:15 Meet our friend Rachel, and her kids Will and Vivienne, at the park to play

11:00 Leave park, come home

11:45 Lunch!!! We had grilled cheese sandwiches, cottage cheese, Sun Chips, and pineapple

12:30 Let Bren watch 'Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood' while I go to my room to watch 'The Bold and The Beautiful'

1:00 NAPTIME!!! Bren goes down and I sit down with a Mt Dew to read my favorite blogs

3:15 Bren toddles into the living room, we grab him a snack and head out the door to pick up Aiden

3:25 The appraiser calls to move up our appointment, but I lie and tell him I can't because I'm picking up Aiden. In actuality, I completely forgot and didn't clean a thing all day and have to rush home to clean, clean, clean!!!

3:45 Home from getting Aiden, start barking out orders like a drill sergeant to get the house whipped into shape

3:50 Husband gets home, I start barking orders at him, too

4:28 House is as good as it's going to get, now just waiting on Appraiser

4:35 He shows up

5:10 I sit down to watch the local news

5:30 I get up and start making supper (grilled hamburgers, fresh veggies, chips, applesauce)

6:15 Done eating, we all help clean up


7:00 Help Aiden study his spelling words, throw Bren into the shower

7:15 Aiden in the shower

7:30 Cuddle and reading time

8:00 Boys are in bed, grown up time! We watch 2 episodes of The West Wing

9:45 Bedtime

Whew, what a day! That darn appraiser really threw me for a loop! We are refinancing our mortgage to take advantage of these amazingly low rates. Have you considered refi-ing? Ok, now go check out the other blogs!!!



  1. I love to watch Matt Lauer when I am home through the week as well. That man just gets sexier as the years go by! :)

    And you won my heart when you said you watch Wheel of Fortune-- best game show, ever!

    I hope the house appraisal goes well!

  2. Barking orders is my fortay (spelling?) - thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks so much for linking up with us! I loved reading about your day. We are looking into refinancing as well. I hope all goes well for you guys. :-)

  4. Thanks for the love gals! Stop back by again soon!

  5. Hi Erin! Found you via the link up. We bought a house in March. We just couldn't resist the low rates! Hope it goes well for you guys.

    1. Hi Lindsey! Thanks for checking me out! I just heard on the news tonight that rates might go even lower -- that would happen after we've locked in our rate, wouldn't it?!? :) Hope you stop back again soon!
