17 September 2012

B-0-0 Project

As some of you know I am a Pinterest gal.  I have pinned so many ideas on there but have been a little slow in actually using those ideas. One of my pins was the words “Ho Ho Ho” cut out of paper and glued down onto holiday cardstock, then put into frames to set out. A couple of weeks ago I made these:


I have been patiently waiting to decorate for Fall so I could set these out.  I am so happy with how they turned out.  It was super simple project.  I found a 3 pack of black frames at K-Mart for under $5, then used Halloween scrap book paper that I already had and my Cricut cutting machine to cut out the letters.  Glue them down and voilà!  Done!  So simple to make.  If you don’t have a Cricut to cut the letters you could use a printer to make your own stencils or templates, just trace those letters on to fancy paper and cut them out.  A little bit more work but so worth it!

Are you working on any projects?  Or do you have a bunch of projects to make that you haven’t gotten to?

Happy Monday, all!



  1. Cute, Cute, Cute. I love fall decorations.

  2. So I'm a fellow fit camper! Totally loving the B O O decor. I think I'm going to make one that says FALL so I can keep it up longer. Thanks for the inspiration :) Also your post about cheating on "my pal" really spoke to me. I'm guilty of not entering in my coffee creamer or ketchup or those 10 cheez its i just stole from my son. It really adds up :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. OK, so here's the deal. I said I felt like a tard when I realized I sucked it on MFP. What I really meant to say was turd. Tard is a short way of saying s/t really nasty, and that's just not me. Sorry for the typo! And it love the idea of 'Fall' in the frames - great idea!!

    3. Ugh! Seriously, I'm an idiot. When I said 'it's just not me' I meant I don't say nasty things like that, or think them! Geez, I need to take a nap! sorry again for being the idiot I am!!!

  3. This is super cute! Love it!
