24 September 2012

No School Day

Happy Monday, Friends!

How was your weekend?  We had a great one, and it actually felt like it lasted longer than 2 seconds.  We spent a lot of time with both of our families, something that happens more and more this time of year.  The weather was chilly, we had a freeze warning for early Sunday morning.  Frost was on the rooftops around here!  I don’t think it ended the growing season, but it was chilly!  Sunday it warmed up to the mid 60’s in the afternoon, perfect Fall day!  We spent a lot of time outside.  Saturday we divided a bunch of my mother-in-laws Hostas and brought them home so we spent over an hour planting those yesterday.  We also helped my dad pull fence posts from a new pasture he purchased this summer.  My sister and her 2 kids were there too.  Here’s a picture of Brennan with my niece, Nora, taking a break from the hard work.  (Nora is 10 days younger than Brennan, and she’s spitfire!)


The kids had so much fun helping and riding on Papa’s tractor.

Today the school is closed for a teacher in-service.  Andy’s brother gave them a little tent earlier in the summer and today we finally put it up.  They’ve been outside for over an hour playing with that thing.


Aiden is also taking the opportunity to teach Brennan how to play football.  Bren makes a cute center, doesn’t he? Winking smile


Have a stupendous week!



  1. Tent Fun:) So awesome.... We need to get ours out soon - or should I say borrow one from someone who ACTUALLY camps:)

    1. Yea, we aren't campers either! When Andy and I were engaged and first married we camped a couple times, but that was YEARS ago! My sis' family has a pop-up camper, I might try that sometime but really, I'd rather just sit around the campfire snacking and drinking and then head home to my own bed. :)

  2. I love your niece's hair!!! I am so hoping for a little red headed girl this time around :-)

    I am also insanely jealous that fall visited you! What a great weekend!

  3. What a fun weekend outside. Nora's hair is adorable... I love a little girl with red hair. :)

  4. I want some curley cute red hair! It was beautiful outside this weekend and I hate that I didn't get out and enjoy it. I'm glad your little fam had fun. :)
