24 June 2015

What's Up Wednesday

Hey gals!  This link up looked fun so thought I'd join in this month.  You should, too!

                          And this month's bonus question is...What are you doing for the 4th of July?

What we're eating this week...
I'm back to making my weekly menu before my grocery trips on Monday's.  Monday night we had homemade pizza, the first one I've actually enjoyed in years!  Normally I just don't like it but this time? Yum!  (Pregnancy?)  I put hamburger and green olives on my section - holy delicious!  That will be back in our rotation again for sure!  Aside from that, we have hamburgers, minute steak and enchiladas on our menu this week.

What I'm reminiscing about...
Baby Aiden!  I heard a 'Will You Go With Me' by Josh Turner on the radio when coming home from town yesterday, it was new and popular right when Aiden was brought home from the hospital. That song was played over and over again that summer and it always makes me think about those first weeks with our newborn son.  I could feel those same feelings of fear and anxiety, but this time with a nostalgic touch to them.  I wish we could do that all over again, but better.

I can't believe I'm sharing this picture because I look like death warmed over.  That is me with no sleep, and I don't handle it well, ha ha!   Yea, shell shocked and tired - yikes! Andy looks pretty tired, too, lol!  But, Baby Aiden! <3

What I'm loving...
Sterzings Chips.  If you aren't from this area of the country than you have no idea what Sterzings are. They are made in Burlington, Iowa and only shipped in a 100 mile radius from there.  They are just a plain potato chip but oh so yummy!  I haven't had them for years but for some reason all of a sudden I started getting them again (they go great with burgers!).  If I hear the Price is Right theme song I immediately crave Sterzings Chips because we used to eat them for a snack while that was on as a kid.

What we've been up to...
This week it's been swim lessons, ball games and a Baby appointment. :)

What I'm dreading...
Thursday night's baseball game.  Only because it is so intense during tournaments and my blood pressure goes way up while watching them!  But if Aiden has another game like he did last night then I'll be happy regardless of the outcome.  That boy did awesome at bat!  He *finally* wasn't afraid to swing that bat!  Not that he was necessarily afraid before, he just didn't do it often enough.  Not last night - he swung and he swung hard!  He got ahold of that ball and mad did he feel good when he did!  And so did Andy and I!  It was fun to see!  They came away with the win after an intense first three innings and now we're on to a game Thursday night.  Go Yellow!

What I'm working on...
A menu for Aiden's family birthday party that's Sunday afternoon.  We started doing appetizer parties this year which is so much more fun than a meal.  I love LOVE appetizers and dips so this party is so up my alley.  But I struggle with the menu because Andy's family is so picky! (And so is Andy, that's where he gets it, lol!)  So dips are hard because so many have cream cheese or sour cream, which are big no-no's for Andy.  On the other hand, I'm tired of Velveeta cheese hot dips so looking for something different.  I have a ton pinned on Pinterest so I need to go trolling my boards and see what I can find.  One thing I do have on my list? Buffalo wings!  The boy loves spicy food, and LOVES hot wings!

What I'm excited about...
Aiden's birthday next Tuesday.  He's going to be 9.  NINE!!!  My sweet little boy, not so little anymore.  I love celebrating my boys on their birthdays!  I know how great it feels to be extra special for the day, to watch their faces as they are sung to and to see them excited when the presents come in, to let them pick what they have for supper that night - so fun!

What I'm watching/reading...
Just started reading my third Liane Moriarty book, Three Wishes.  Like, JUST started.  But if it's as well written as her other two I've read (What Alice Forgot and The Husband's Secret) then I'm going to love it, too!

What I'm listening to...
Not much.  I'm so over the radio.  Never seems like I can hit a good stretch of music on there anymore.  I need Sirius for my car, ha ha!  When walking I turn on 'Today's Country Hits' on Pandora.  Helps me go a little farther than if I wasn't listening to anything at all.

What I'm wearing...
Maternity clothes! :)

What I'm doing this weekend...
This weekend we will be working on the basement - we are SO close to hanging dry wall!  Sunday I'll be cleaning house and getting things ready for Aiden's party, which starts at 3:30. Then Brennie has his last ball game that night at 6.  So not a terribly busy weekend but we'll be doing something the whole time, no laying around napping. :(

What I'm looking forward to next month...
Next month, July 7th, we have our 20 week anatomy scan Ultrasound AND we will find out the baby's gender!!!!!!!!!  To say I'm excited is an understatement!!!  I seriously CAN. NOT. WAIT!!!  It's funny to be this excited since we never found out before and it never bothered me. But to know we are finding out is a whole different ball game!  Oh man, I'm excited!!!

What else is new...
We have been looking at carpet and paint samples for the basement.  Holy smokes, this is harder than I thought it would be!  We don't want anything that's going to date the basement - some carpets look so 2010's.  We don't want something that's going to be hard to keep clean, so those that are extra 'nappy' or 'shaggy' are out, but we don't want a super low nap because that's not nearly as comfy.  Then there's the color of the carpet and how it'll look with the color of paint we thought we wanted.  Erg, talk about anxiety!  Ha ha!

What I'm doing for the 4th of July...
We haven't made many plans, but we will go to the town where Andy works for the morning because they have their town festival that day.  They have a nice parade so we'll watch that.  Hoping to get a thing of cotton candy while there, yum!  Then we'll hit up a fireworks display that night to top things off.

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  1. I have a jalapeno, cheese corn dip that I bring almost anytime people ask me to bring side dishes. I don't use sour cream, rather Greek Yogurt. And, you honestly can't even taste the yogurt, it's there more to hold the cheese to the corn. Think that might be something you could have? If so, let me know and I'll send you the recipe.

    Eeeep! I cannot wait to hear how your 20 week appointment and screening goes.

    Goodness, you're going to have a nine year old!!

  2. Aw yay!!! You are already for the 20 week ultrasound! How exciting! And that picture of you with baby Aiden...there is something about you that looks very Cameron Diaz-ish. I think it's your smile. l dunno. I just saw a movie with her and that picture made me think of her.
