01 June 2015

Oh Baby, AGAIN!

Yes, you read that right!  We are expecting another baby!!!  Baby McG is due November 21st, we'll have a little turkey in time for Thanksgiving this year!

Today I am 15w2d.  I feel EXACTLY like I did with all the other pregnancies, which means it's another boy, ha ha!  And that I'm a very lucky lady, because, save a few things here and there, I have very easy pregnancies. 

Baby really popped out over the last few days!  I love having that little bump to rub and talk to.  I am still wearing non-maternity clothes but there are days I think I should pull out the maternity stuff since really, I SWEAR!, this will be the last time I am ever pregnant!  (How many times did I say that while pregnant with Tate? Ha ha!  But really, THIS IS THE LAST TIME!!!)  I am pregnant during a whole different set of season's than with the boys, which means I'll need to be finding some new clothes this time around.  Of course some things from before will work but there is quite a bit that won't.  I do have a sweet friend who is loaning me some of her stuff, so that will be nice.

So, where do things stand so far?  I have had the first part of my integrated screening done, which is a blood draw and Ultrasound.  The US looked great, the neuchal fold was nice and thin like it's supposed to be.  If it's over 3 some thing's (what ever they use to measure that, mm sounds too big but can't remember off the top of my head) that can signal a chromosomal defect, like Down's Syndrome.  Mine (or, actually, the baby's) was a 1 so that's great!  And everything else looked perfect!  This week I will go to our local hospital and have my blood drawn for the second time and then they will compare certain markers in the samples and we'll know if we need further testing or if Baby is a-ok and we can breath a huge sigh of relief.  Finger's X'd!

A funny story -- right after I found out I was pregnant I was making our bed.  Everything was fine, nothing wrong and then I realized it was a Wednesday and I started to cry.  I like Wednesday's just fine but for some reason knowing it was Wednesday made me cry.  Ha ha!  I love pregnancy hormones!

My monthly check ups have been just fine, uneventful.  We had one this past week, at 14 weeks, which is the appointment where I found out I'd miscarried our last baby.  I was so relieved and excited to hear that baby's heartbeat!!! 

We feel so blessed to be on this journey again!  I'm excited to share it all with you! 

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  1. Yayy, I'm SO happy for you guys!!

  2. Congrats! That is awesome news. I will be 20 weeks Friday and I am excited about being half way finished. We are due 10/23.

  3. Awe, I'm so happy for yall!!!!

  4. Congratulations! Your mama told me but you hadn't announced it and I wasn't sure if I was supposed to know so I stayed quiet. You've been in my prayers since I found out! I'm so happy for you guys!!!

  5. That's awesome!!! I'm so happy for y'all!!!

  6. Oh Erin!!! I am so happy for you!!!

  7. Congrats little mama! You must be some kind of fertile Myrtle!!! I am truly so happy for you and your family.

  8. Whoop whoop! So excited the news is out now! Even better that all the tests are coming back so great. Praying they continue to go that way.
    I can't wait to follow you along with this pregnancy.
    I had to buy ALL new clothes for this pregnancy because of total opposite seasons of being pregnant. I've bought almost all my stuff this time around from Pink Blush Maternity. They are ALWAYS have awesome sales. Their stuff is all so cute and comfy. And, when you can catch a great sale, really affordable!
    You're looking fabulous!

  9. EEEKKK!! CONGRATS friend!!!!
