12 June 2015

Friday Favorites

Friday! We made it!!!  This has bee one of 'those weeks'.  The kind where each day drags, the kids are bickering nonstop, your sanity is tested and you scream "give me all the Mt Dew!!!"  Erg, what a week.  In addition to all of the above Tater has been pushing his bottom molars through which has made for a very testy and clingy baby.  Oh, and poopy.  Lots of poop, up and out and under and through.  Ick.  Friday, hallelujah!!!

Now for my Friday Favorites!

You might laugh at this one, but BABY GATES are one of my Friday Favorites!  I don't know where I went wrong with Tate but this boy will NOT listen to me for anything! The big boys were good at listening to me when I'd tell them no, but not Tate.  Erg!!  Frustrating!  We have a baby gate up going into the kitchen, one across our bedroom door (he figured out how to open the stupid pocket doors some nincumpoop thought would be a great door for a bedroom - no lock, no latch, no nothing to keep it shut. Don't make this mistake in your bedroom.), we keep the bathroom door shut and now I have one going across the boys' bedroom door because he's been in there destroying everything!  The straw that broke the camel's back was finding he had ripped out a page from one of my beloved Bearenstein Bear's books.  Naughty naughty!  So, another baby gate was purchased.  Thank you to the inventor of baby gates! Mwah!

Baseball!  Never would have thought baseball would be a favorite of mine but it is!  I have had so much fun watching Aiden and his teammates on the ball field every Tuesday and Thursday for the past 5 weeks!  Only one week to go, I'm so bummed about it!  They are having fun and it shows on the field!  And watching Brennan in Pee Wee coach pitch, so fun!  He was running all over that field having the time of his life!  He was so over just watching big brother play, he wanted to be out there himself!  Fun evenings!

Puddle Jumpers! I wish I had gotten a picture of my little swimmer yesterday at the pool.  When we got there he had fallen asleep in the car. Somehow that little puddin pie stayed asleep as I lifted him out of his seat, laid his little head down on my shoulder and slept through me paying to get in, sitting down on the lounge and rummaging around in the bag for a couple of towns to prop behind my head so we could both be comfortable.  He slept for the first 20 minutes there!  Then it took him 10 minutes to get awake enough to get him in his swimming diaper and trunks and his froggie Puddle Jumper.  The pool we go to is zero depth entry so Tate and I sat right where the water starts and got used to being in there.  After a few minutes he got brave enough to go in a few inches and sit down and splash the water like he does in the tub.  Then he was up and walking a little.  I grabbed his chubby hands and walked clear out to where his feet couldn't touch.  That Puddle Jumper was so nice to help him float while I held on to his hands. The funniest thing about it was how his little hands couldn't touch in front because of the big 'puffs' on the arms. :)

We have a busy Saturday planned.  Our town's annual festival is this weekend so we are going to go watch the parade at 11, then hurry home to grab a bite to eat before rushing out to start our family's June Jump Around.  This is a new version of our annual Christmas Tree Hop.  There are 3 cousins who live about an hour north of here so we are all heading up to see their places. 2 are in houses we've never seen before, one has done extensive remodeling on his house so we are all excited to see how that progress is going.  To end the night we are having a baby shower for one cousin and his wife. So Saturday will be busy busy, lots of family time and it's going to be great!  I'm hoping for a relaxing Sunday but something tells me Andy will have other plans. :)

See you next week!

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  1. My fellow baseball mom... I see you're falling in love with it just like I did! :)

  2. Whoop for baseball! I love the sport and I sure hope Marcus does too when he's older. I'm also a huge softball fan, so I can only hope M2 will take to that sport.
    Baby gates were our saving grace for so long!
    I LOVE that your family does these little hops. Such a cool idea, and a great way to get together!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Happy Friday! I'm sorry you had that kind of week. I hope the weekend is kind to you!
    Puddle jumpers are the best! My poor little dude still doesn't fit into one, but my 3 year old uses hers all the time!

  4. Oh. My. Gosh. I so hear you on the baby gates and toddlers who don't listen. Lukas is the exact same way!!! Lukas got a puddle jumper for his birthday. We love it! Everyday he uses it.
