26 August 2014

School, Sports and Activities


Happy Tuesday, all! 

Well, school started last Wednesday and with it came all the craziness of the kids’ activities.  Both boys are in football, on separate teams, so we have been running them back and forth to their practices.  Games start Wednesday so hopefully after a game or two the practices will slow down and we won’t be doing quite as much running around for that.  And luckily their games are on the same nights (for another 2 years) so that helps. They have the same coach which also means their games are one after the other so no having to miss out on one game to watch the other.

Last night was the first Clover Kids (4-H) meeting of the year.  This is Bren’s first year and Aiden’s last.  It is so fun to see the excitement that everything new holds for Brennan this year.  First Kindergarten – he talks quite a bit about his days when he gets home in the afternoons.  Then it was football – he loved practice, wearing a mouth guard and his cleats!  And now last night, Clover Kids.  Every month they have a record sheet to fill out about each meeting – he came home, sat right down and started drawing his picture for it after his meeting.  It’s fun that he’s so enthusiastic about it all!  I know in time that will wear off so I’m enjoying it now as much as I can.

Don’t forget about the Fall Swag Swap!  Sign ups are going right now, they close Thursday.  Just leave me a comment or email me (aemcguire@msn.com) if you want to join in the fun.  You just have to be a blogger and US Resident to join!

Fall Swag Swap

One more thing – my big boy can sit himself up all by himself now!!!  Yep, he goes from tummy, to chubby knees to sitting on his little duff!  He’s pretty big stuff, if I do say so myself!

A PSA for you – we are officially less than 4 months away from Christmas.  Better get started on that shopping!

Have a great Tuesday!


  1. I hope they have 4H in our area, I would love for Jeanette to do that one day! I'm so excited for the Swap!!!!! It will be my first and I cannot wait!

  2. I really wish my parents would have put us in 4H. My best friend was in it, and always talked about doing the coolest stuff. Thank goodness I joined FFA later on. :) I really should have lived on a farm.
    Woohoo Tater!! He's going to be scooting all over the place before you know it.
    And, let's not start counting down to Christmas already!

  3. I want to join the Fall Swap!!!

  4. Christmas is soooo close! Tate is getting so big. I just can't believe it!
