07 August 2014

If Only I Had The Time


I hit a blogging writers block this week and went out to a few ‘idea sites’ I have saved under my favorites tab.  They all had great ideas but none of them clicked with me.  Then I saw this idea:

What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?

All I could think about was what I *wasn’t* doing that makes me happy.  That has led me to write this post.

1.) Scrapbooking.  It has been almost 2 years since I have done any scrapbooking.  Yes, I have made some cards here or there, but to sit down for a whole afternoon with my supplies, pictures and ideas?  That hasn’t happened since mid-November 2012.  I remember when it was specifically because I went to my sister’s house with my supplies for a day of scrapping and to finish up my Christmas cards for that year.  Then we lost the baby.  Then I got pregnant. Then I had Tate.  Throw in the regular tug and pull of the normal days and I just haven’t had time, motivation or the creative juices flowing to tackle it. 

It is a bit overwhelming to know how far behind I am on my scrapbooks.  I have yet to scrap Brennan’s birth and after.  The last thing I scrapped was Christmas ‘08.  I have a Pinterest board full of sketches and page ideas, if I could just find the time I’d hole myself up in my scrapping room and go to town.  That would make me happy.

2.) Date night.  It has been since well before last Christmas since Andy and I have gone out just the two of us.  I don’t even know what date night looks like anymore.  I wouldn’t have any nice clothes to even wear out on a date if we could go on one.  If we could just get Tate to take a bottle we’d be able to go out, just the two of us, without a super cute tag-along.

3.) Shopping.  I am not a huge shopper, I go on a major shopping day about 3 or 4 times a year.  It’s August and I have yet to go on one for myself this year.  I am in desperate need of new clothes, clothes that actually fit since I’ve lost all that weight, clothes that are trendy and cute and not t-shirts.  Shopping for some clothes that would make me feel nice would definitely make me happy.

4.) Cleaning. No, cleaning in itself does NOT make me happy – don’t love that task. But having a clean, organized house? That would make me happy.  No matter how many times I clean, pick up and try to organize it all gets destroyed.  It’s not just the boys, either, although they are the major culprits.  Andy and I live here, too, making our own little messes that can quickly turn into big messes.  I’d love to figure out how to keep the pile of papers under control.  It seems they get bigger and bigger, which totally overwhelms me.  I feel like I’m being buried. 

The toys on the floor.  They get picked up only to be drug right back out again.  Once or twice a week, depending on how often I vacuum, it all gets completely picked up.  10 minutes later there are toys all over again.  I just want a clean house.  Yes I have kids, but I have friends with kids who still have nice, clean, organized houses.  I want to be one of them.

What makes you happy? What do you wish you could do that would make you happy?


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  1. Going to Chipotle makes me happy. I'm easy. Doesn't take much to make me happy lol.

  2. You make me happy! Let me know if you get the email that I commented! I still keep getting a ton (not only your blog now) kicked back saying undeliverable!? WTH?!

    Cheers to the weekend, Friend!

  3. Walgreens had photo books on sale, 75% off, last week and I made 24 books then. I was really behind as well and felt like this was a cheaper, more time friendly version for now!

  4. Traveling makes me happy! I wish we could travel to places other than "home" sometimes. All of our "travel" funds go to getting home a few times a year. Send me on a trip and I'm happy as a clam.
