19 August 2014

Cork And Canvas


Fall Swag Swap

Just a reminder about the awesome swag swap I am co-hosting with these lovely ladies:

Candra from Camo & Lipstick

Des from Macke Monologues

Shelli from Beauty & The Baseball Coach

I’ve had a few questions about WHAT a swag swap is.  Well, you start off by following your partner’s blog and emailing them.  Ask a bunch of questions about their likes, dislikes, favorites, who they have in their family, what they do for fun, etc.  Follow them on social media so you can see them and be in touch daily.  As for what you buy your partner, that’s totally up to you as long as it’s Fall related.  Apple Crisp scented candles, a pretty burnt orange scarf, a darker shade of lip gloss, candy corn!  Anything you think they will like. Throw in one or two of your favorites, too.  Give them something they haven’t tried before.  Make it fun!  Remember, sign ups start Thursday!  Just email me your name and blog address – aemcguire@msn.com.

Have any of you done one of those paint and drink deals at a winery?  I have been wanting to do one since I first heard about them a few months back.  They look like so much fun!  About a month ago a cousin sent an email out to the family asking if anyone would be interested in doing this.  I jumped at the chance!

We ended up having a group of 6 go down to the winery to paint.  None of us had done one of these before so we were all a bit nervous about the process.  We grabbed our glass of wine, filled our plates with the appetizers they provided and sat down in front of our blank canvases. 


Finally it was time to start painting.  The instructor called us over to gather around and watch Step 1, which was creating our base for the background. 


Step 2 was building on that base.  I was hesitant to do this step because I was happy with how my background looked from Step 1.  But once I had finished this step I was pretty happy with the coloring. 


Step 3 was putting in the tree canopy and shadows. 


Step 4 we put in the background trees and highlights (forgot to take a pic of this step).


Step 5, the last step, was painting the big tree in front, adding the ‘leaves’ and highlighting the tree trunk. 


Our group.


My neighbor’s painting – she was good!


I would love to do another one because now I know you have the freedom to be more unique in your color choices and how you layout your painting. 

cork and canvas

Here’s the ‘dummy’ we were going off of.


Like I said, I would love to do another one.  If you have the opportunity to do one of these Canvas and Cork deals do it!  You don’t need any artistic abilities, I promise! They take you step by step through the painting.  Just be sure to take a paint shirt – I didn’t and wish I would have!


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  1. I have done a couple of these...sans the wine both times. Graycie was invited to a birthday party where they did one. Have way through, she lost interest and I did quite a bit of it. Then we did one for my cousin's bachelorette party but the MOH was underage. I loved that painting. These are so much fun!

  2. I've done it once before and am doing it again on Monday. They are so much fun. I found it to be really relaxing too.

    Can't wait for the swag swap. Sign me up. :)

  3. I have seen so many people doing this, and it looks so fun!!! I would love to do it sometime. I am just afraid mine would turn out looking horrible. I don't consider myself to be very artistic.
