20 May 2014

Our New Flooring!


As you know, last week we had new flooring installed in our kitchen, dining room and front living room.  Starting last Tuesday Andy and I tore out the old carpet and linoleum and on Thursday the flooring guys came and put down the new floor.  It looks so great!  We absolutely LOVE it! 

Andy and I still need to get the baseboards put back up (after we pull out the million and one nails that’s in them) so divert your eyes from that!

The Before’s


The During’sIMG_0920


And now…

The After’s


The color is Hickory and it’s a wider plank.  We are so happy with it!  Now we are thinking of having them do the same stuff down the hallway. And next year we will replace the carpet in the main living room with new carpet.  It’s really not very good looking – there are some mystery stains from the previous owners that we can’t get out.  It’s a shame to rip up carpet that’s still in good condition otherwise but after awhile you get sick of living in someone else’s filth, you know?

And because I can’t resist sharing this photo of my little Tater Bug, I’ll end the post with this one of him playing with his football.  He likes sticking his tongue through the holes, ha ha!




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  1. Anonymous20 May, 2014

    Looks awesome, it def transforms the whole room! And that is too funny that he likes to stick his tongue in there, love it!

  2. You didn't want to keep that tubular yellow linoleum flooring?! :) Looks good momma!

  3. So awesome! But why didn't you keep the yellow linoleum around? It looked so......pretty. ;)

  4. That looks great Erin!!! And that boy....he's a cutie!

  5. Yay, I'm SO glad it's done and you can get your house back to normal... it looks great!!

  6. LOVE IT! YAY! Now you can relax a bit ;)

  7. It turned out gorgeous! Well worth the headache and noise I'm sure! xo

  8. Ahhhh, it looks SO awesome! Worth the wait, and dealing with renos, right?!!

  9. I LOVE it!!!! It looks so great! I also love Tate and his football. SO sweet! :)

  10. Looks fabulous!!! It's amazing how changing one thing can completely change the feel of a room.

  11. It looks awesome and that little guy... I love those cheeks.

  12. I LOVE it!!! It looks a great! So fresh and clean!! Do you still love it? You asked me what I clean mine with. I haven't found a cleaner that doesn't streak, so now all I use is super hot water and vinegar. And no, your house won't smell like vinegar!!

  13. I love how the final photos look. It looks like you moved to a whole new house. Haha! That is definitely a great choice of wood. I also have this problem dealing with carpets, as all sorts of dirt just get stuck on them. It really wouldn’t sit well, especially if you have young kids who play on the carpets. Anyway, looking forward for your next project on your lovely home. :D
    Pat Ballard @ Cheap Floors Los Angeles
