02 May 2014

A Little More About Me

Last year I signed up for a blog swap and got paired up with a super great gal, Rabia, from The Liebers.  She tagged me to answer the following q’s about myself.

1. Are you named after someone?
I am named after Erin Gray, the actress, and Yvonne Elliman, the singer. I bet you’ve heard this song of hers.


2. When was the last time you cried?
Wednesday.  My dad had to do an assessment which was ordered by his Neuro doc.  The psych guy who did the assessment was a major ass and upset my parents which in turn upset me.  Lots of tears.  Lots and lots.

3. Do you have kiddos?
Ha! Yes!  Have I never mentioned them before? :) Aiden will be 8 end of June, Brennan is 5 and Tate is 11 weeks old. 

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend to yourself?
If you are my friend I will love you fiercely so I hope I would see that in me and be my friend.

5. Do you have a guilty pleasure?
Watching junk TV in the afternoons instead of doing housework

6. Do you like your handwriting?
NO!  I’ve always wanted fancy handwriting but all I have is sloppy, ugly handwriting.

7. What’s your favorite cereal?
Blueberry Morning, although it’s impossible to find these days.

8. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Overall appearance.  It’s not one thing or another, just how they look overall – put together, trendy, messy, etc.

9. What is your eye color?

10. Scary movie or happy endings?
Happy ending for sure!

11. Favorite TV show?
Of all time?  ‘American Dreams’.  It was set in the 60’s, they were on American Bandstand, JJ was HOT!  Totally up my alley!  For sure, ‘American Dreams’.  Right now?  I’d say ‘Call The Midwife’.

12. Summer or Winter?
Right now I’d say Summer because Winter just won’t let go, but I really love all seasons so ask me in September and I’ll say Winter.

13. Hugs or Kisses?
I’m a hugger, if that’s what you’re asking.  But Mr. Tater gets kisses kisses kisses!

14. What’s the furthest you've ever been from home?
From Iowa to Hawaii.  I was 7 and don’t remember much at all about it.  Boo.  That’s why I must go back!

15. Do you have any special talents?
I can touch my nose with my tongue. Is that special enough? 

16. Where were you born?
In my hometown hospital, same place Andy and the boys were all born.

17. What are your hobbies?
Gardening, scrapbooking/card making, reading 

18. Do you have any pets?

19. Favorite movie?
Not sure if I have a favorite, but I’ve burned up ‘Dirty Dancing’, ‘Footloose’, ‘Sarah Plain and Tall’ and ‘Twister’ over the years. Oh,and “Weekend At Bernie’s”. Ha ha!

20. What color is your car?
Black with black and dark gray interior.  My husband’s doing, and he won’t be doing it again!  Black exterior, yes.  Interior? No. Not with children.  Not living in Iowa with sand and salt in the winter.

21. What do you want to be when you grow up?

I’d like to be someone who has the financial freedom to be adventurous when I grow up.


Instead of specifically choosing 5 blogs to have answer these questions I am throwing this out there for any and all of your to answer.  We all need a ‘freebie’ post every now and then so here you go, use this! Just answer these questions and tag me in your post!

Have a wonderful weekend!  I have a busy Saturday ahead of me, will be back next week with all the details and pictures! 

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  1. I heart dirty dancing and I have sloppy have writing too! We were destined to be friends!

  2. American Dreams! I had forgotten about that show. I loved it, too. It's the first time I ever remember seeing Brittany Snow.

  3. Ahhhh financial freedom. I long to know what that is!

  4. Oh Erin. I hope everything is good with your dad. I hope you have a good weekend.

  5. I'm so sorry about your dads appt. I had no idea, I wish I had. I'm sorry!

    I love this post. I feel I found out a lot about you!! Green eyes, that's rare, and so pretty!! And I loved American Dreams too!! Great show!!

  6. What a great post, I love getting to know more about my bloggy friends ;) So sorry about your Dad good thought your way.

  7. So sorry to hear about your dad's appointment. It's the worst when you're stuck with a doctor who has zero bedside manner. :(
    Twister - HA! We were just talking about that movie. :)
    Hope your weekend was great!

  8. Ahh, blueberry morning cereal... one of my faves!!
