27 May 2014

Busy Weekend


Hey there!  How was your weekend?  Ours was great.  We took time to honor our fallen heroes and to visit our loved ones at the cemetery.  The flags flying in the breeze were so beautiful, I get such a thrill when we pull into the cemetery every year.  Our funeral home directors really go all out putting up the big flags that line the drives.  So pretty.


We took advantage of the long weekend and did quite a bit of odds and ends around the house and yard this weekend.  Saturday we worked our tails off, I was so sore and exhausted that night!  Not sure I can even remember all the little things we did, like painting the trim around the doors and garage door, tilling the garden and putting up the fence to keep the rabbits out, and going through the basement storage rooms to find stuff to put out on the curb for spring clean up this weekend.  That doesn’t even take the tip off the iceberg!  It felt so good to get so much done.

The weather finally felt like summer this weekend.  Highs in the 80’s and higher humidity.  Awww.  Loved it!  I got a little sunburn on my neck and shoulders while working outside yesterday.  We were cutting the dead branches out of the berry bushes, found a ton of berries coming on! Going to have another bumper crop this year!  Can’t wait to make some more jelly and cobblers!

My garden is coming along nicely.  The potato plants are up enough that I went ahead and added some dirt around them to start building up the hills.  I mentioned we tilled the garden, was getting a little weedy.  We have a mini cultivator that we use for weeding in between the rows, it does a pretty good job.  While I had it all tilled up I went ahead and planted 2 more rows of green beans.  This was a little later than I had intended originally but it won’t matter to me, I’ll can them whenever they are ready.  It’ll be nice to have an extended growing season of beans, love fresh green beans!  The carrots aren’t doing too bad, although the rabbits got ahold of them and ate quite a bit off.  I’ll take whatever I can get. 

An update on Tate’s crying jags -  we got him on a tummy medicine to control acid reflux and he seems to be a much happier baby.  He hasn’t had one of his uncontrollable crying fits since the middle of last week, that has been so nice!  He is on a liquid medicine so I don’t have to crush any pills this time (I did with the boys and it was a major pain).  He takes it very well.  So happy that he is happy.  He’s still a demanding baby, he likes me being close by and talking to him most times but that’s ok, he’s not hurting anymore.  Now I feel like I can take him out to supper again without worrying about him crying the whole time and disrupting the other diner’s meals. 

How was your Memorial Day?  How is your garden coming along?

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  1. I can't decide if I should plant a garden or not this summer, we are going to be so busy! I can probably get some fresh veggies from the in-laws as they always have a lot of extras! My hubby planted my flowers for me this weekend so at least the flower beds don't look like a jungle anymore!

  2. I am so glad Tate is feeling better. That's rough stuff!

  3. You all were busy! We had a wonderful relaxing weekend! It was great! :)

  4. Oh those foals look really amazing! Very special!
    Sounds like a very busy weekend! But I love those weekends where you go so much done, and things cleaned out!
    And I'm so happy for Tate!!! I'm glad he's a happier baby now! That's so good, for both of you!!

  5. Minus the humidity, PERFECT summer weather! :)
    So glad to hear Tate is feeling better.
    And, you're funny… My garden… HAHAHA!!!
