03 March 2014

Tate At 3 Weeks Old

20140303_134158I can hardly believe that Tate is 3 weeks old today!  His birth seems so long ago, like we should be talking months instead of weeks, and at the same time he’s already 3 weeks old! 

Here’s what Tate’s been up to this week:

  • He eats every 3 to 4 hours
  • Wakes up two times a night, usually about 3 1/2 – 4 hours between feedings/waking
  • He is wide awake 3 to 4 times a day for about an hour each time and some of those he lays on the floor looking at a book propped up next to him, other times we do tummy time, other times we just hold him and gaze at each other
  • After those awake periods he struggles to fall into a deep, comfortable sleep so we do a lot of rocking, snuggling and swaddling for about an hour after that, then he sleeps for a couple of hours until his next feeding
  • He sleeps well in the car
  • He recognizes me when I pick him up, settles right down when he gets his nose settled into the crook of my neck
  • He has started opening his eyes when he’s sleeping, tricks you into thinking he’s awake
  • At his check up last week when he was 17 days old he weighed 12lbs 10oz (that’s over 2 pounds more than his birth weight) and was 22 1/2” long (a 1/2” growth).  Basically he’s the size of a 2 month old and off the charts!
  • He has outgrown some of his 0-3 month outfits already, at just 3 weeks old!
  • Still wearing size 1 diapers, thank goodness.
  • He has the sweetest little smile when he’s sleeping!

It’s amazing how quickly these little ones become a part of the family and part of your every day daily life.  He fits in with all of us so well!  I love having him here with me when everyone’s gone to work and school for the day.



  1. He is so freaking cute I can't stand it!

  2. What a sweetheart!!! How has it been adjusting from two to three? Easier than one to two?

  3. I LOVE that little face!!! Him & Mav with their growth - they just need to be babies darn them!! We put on a 6 month outfit today!!!! GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. He is so precious Erin. So glad to hear you all are doing well.

  5. All the swaddling, and rocking, and snuggling - I MISS THOSE DAYS!!
    What a sweet little boy.

  6. He is just a little doll!! I miss the snuggles!! He sounds like such a sweet baby, and growing fast! Good boy!!
