17 March 2014

Have I Lost My Mind?

Sunday afternoon Andy and I were sitting in the living room, minding our own business when out of nowhere a crazy crazy thought popped into my mind.  I couldn’t help myself, I had to share it with Andy.

“Hey, what would you think about having another baby?” 

Surprisingly, Andy didn’t run screaming from the room.  He said he’d love to have 4 kids but wasn’t sure he could live through the newborn stage again.  I told him I could do the newborn stuff again, it was the 7 yr old’s attitude I wasn’t sure I could live through again. 

So, will we have another baby?  I doubt it.  I don’t think my body can handle another pregnancy.  But for now we won’t rule it out…

Saturday we went to the flooring store in town and picked out some samples of wood laminate flooring for our dining room, kitchen and front room.  I think we are settled on which one we are getting, now to have them come measure and get the stuff ordered. 

Part of getting the new flooring means we can take down this funky wood shelf thing that goes floor to ceiling in our living room.  We’ve hated the thing since the moment we saw the house, it’s very late 70’s.  So as soon as picked out the flooring Andy got the maul/hammer thing and we busted that darn thing down.  The reason we haven’t done it sooner is because the carpet is layed around it so once we took it down we were going to have a bare spot in the carpet.  Andy laid the base piece back down so for the next 2 months while we wait for the flooring to be laid we won’t be stepping over the sub floor. 

This is a weird picture but it’s the one I could find quickly that showed the shelf thing in the background.


I can NOT wait for this new flooring to get put in!  It’s going to make the house look so different.  I’m a bit worried that it’ll make those rooms darker because right now they have cream carpet and linoleum in them, so bright flooring, but it’ll look great regardless.  Can’t wait to show you the finished product. 

Have a great week!



  1. Bahahahahaha --- you sound like me thinking of another baby already!!

  2. Yay for new flooring! I love doing stuff to our home, it's so fun to spruce up where you live! And another baby? You will know if you want another and you will know if you don't. I never thought I would want 2 until the desire hit me and now that I'm so close to meeting Adley, I definitely could do this again! Of course, my mind may change this time next week. Ha! Have a great day!

  3. I'd love another baby, but hubby says no. It's hard because Parker doesn't sleep much now, but the attitude they get as the grow up is not fun either!! Can't wait to see what the new floors will look like!

  4. Yes another baby!!! I would love to adopt again. I keep begging Adam. I'm not ready to be done with babies yet!! Can't wait to see the flooring!!

  5. Another?! You might be qualifying yourself for sainthood. :) I wish you could be pregnant for me. I'd totally hand over that responsibility.
    And, WOOHOO for new flooring! Can't wait to see the end result.

  6. I'm excited for you new flooring! I don't think it will be too dark, well at least I hope not! We have dark flooring, and cupboards. We have nice big windows and get the afternoon sun, so that helps. But now, if I could choose differently I would choose white cabinets. I think they look so bright and clean. And not sure how OCD about cleaning you are, but I'm crazy. I hate seeing any speck of anything on my look, and with the Dar, I feel I clean my floors a billion times a day.

    And yes, I think you've lost your mind!! 4 is nuts! But honestly, if I could do it, I would! And you guys make such cute kids, so why would you want another!!

  7. I can't wait to have another baby! I'm hoping for twins the next time around to give us four LOL

  8. WOOHOO! New flooring!
    I'm jealous! I need new flooring sooo BAD!
    I have 4 girls.. and ya know what? I LOVE IT! I will be so happy for you no matter what you choose :)
    You have such a beautiful family!

  9. Tate must be an AMAZING baby for you to say you want another one.
    The hubby begged me to have another one when he got home from being deployed. I didn't want our kids that far apart but after raising a 1 year old, working full time, having a husband deployed and holding down the fort- I was NOT ready to have another. Needless to say, 3 days later I was PG and I never wanted another one after that. My babies were tough on me!
