06 March 2014


Happy 5th Birthday, Brennan!

Wow, 5!  Where have these 5 years gone?  In the blink of an eye my little Brennie Bug has grown up!  When he was 2 months old and was colicky I thought “we’ll never grow out of this.”  When he was a toddler and I was changing his diapers I thought “when will he be potty trained?”  When he went through a phase and came into our room almost every night I thought “will he ever sleep through the night again?”  And now here we are, 5 years old, all of that has passed and I wish it all back again.  Brenner, you’ve grown up too fast!


Brennan is such a sweet, loving little guy.  He tells me 50 times a day that he loves me, that I’m pretty, that I’m his ‘bestest Mommy ever’!  He gives lots of hugs, lots of kisses.  He loves to help me, whether it’s cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, doing anything around here that I do on a daily basis.  I can ask Bren to do 3 things and he’ll come back having done every last one of them without being reminded.

The kid’s mind is a steel trap!  He remembers EVERYTHING!  He always asks “Remember when…”  It could be something so minute, but he remembers it!


Bren loves being with his big brother.  Anything Aiden is doing Brennan wants to do, too. 

And talk about being an awesome big brother! Brenner Joe LOVES being a big brother to Tate!  He is so good with him, loves to talk to him and ‘read’ stories to him. 

If you show Brennan an NFL team logo he can probably tell you which team it’s for.  He is learning all kinds of things about sports and really likes watching them on TV. 

When Brennan goes to college he wants to play golf for the Hawkeyes.  Every time we drive by a golf course he asks Andy if they can go there and play someday.

Brennan makes us laugh.  He has such a neat little personality and a funny sense of humor! 

Happy 5th Birthday, Brennan! 





  1. Happy Birthday Brennan!! 5 is a big deal! :)

  2. Happy Birthday Brennan!! What a sweet boy!

  3. Happy Birthday Brennan! Your post made me cry! I just love all the moments with our little ones and like you said we will miss the tough times one day. Babies don't keep!

  4. Happy Birthday Brennan!!! It sounds like you have a sweet boy on your hands!

  5. Happy Birthday Sweet B Man!!!! Gah - I don't want Mav to ever be 5! LOL

  6. Aw. Happy birthday Brennan. I hope it's the best day ever!

  7. Happy birthday Brennan!

  8. Happy Birthday, Brennan!
    What a sweet little man you have. :)

  9. What sweet little boys you have, first time by your blog!! Happy birthday!!


  10. Aw, he is such a handsome guy! Happy 5th Birthday, Brennan!!

  11. He is so, so handsome! Happy birthday cutie!!
