03 February 2014

Happy Birthday Month To Me!

Yay for February!!!  I absolutely LOVE this month!  One reason is because it’s my birthday month! And I like to celebrate my birthday all month long (especially since it takes most of the month to get to my birthday!)!  Last year I cancelled my birthday because of the loss of our baby on Feb. 15th.  But this year I have quite a bit to celebrate!  The obvious thing is the birth of our baby sometime this month.  There is Valentine’s Day on the 14th, which I love. We also have my Dad’s birthday to celebrate.

Speaking of my Dad, he is another reason to celebrate this month, and not just because of his birthday.  Friday we were told they expected him to be ready to go home in 3 to 4 weeks!!!  Holy moly!  We were not expecting that great news!  He is doing so well in rehab, making leaps and bounds in his progress!  There are 8 stages of recovery and Dad is somewhere in stages 6 and 7 already!  Yesterday when we were there visiting he was in this super euphoric, overly happy mood.  It was quite funny, but oh so refreshing after him being so ho-hum all week.  We did a lot of laughing with him.  I wish I had video taped him seeing the boys for the first time.  Oh my goodness was he happy!  Lots of hugs, lots of “I Love You’s”.  Andy and I got those, too.  It was so great to be able to carry on a semi-normal conversation with him.  He still has some memory loss but his short term memory is coming back to him.  He gets words mixed around when talking but we are able to decipher what he is saying most times.  He is pretty strong and able to walk on his own except he needs some assistance with balance so he always needs two therapists/nurses/people with him when he is up and about, which they don’t let him do except in therapy at this point.  But really, overall the man is excelling!  We are so thrilled!

Today I have an ultrasound to see how big baby is and discuss induction if it is on the bigger side.  I also have my non-stress test and my regular weekly baby appointment.  Andy took the day off to go with me so we are going to have a whole day together, just the two of us (and the US tech, the nurse and the dr., ha ha!).  No real plans for the afternoon, we’ll just fly by the seat of our pants I guess!  I’ll have an update on how all goes tomorrow.

More nesting and baby prep went on over the weekend. Friday the swing/bouncer combo arrived so we put that together as a family that night.  I rented a Rug Dr. so we shampooed the carpets Friday night. Wow did that make a big difference!  I could tell our cream carpet needed a cleaning but holy smokes does it look amazing now!  So glad we got that done, I don’t want the baby rolling around on dirty carpet.  I also was able to pick up the glider I had reupholstered.  It looks super great, I just love it!  We are waiting on the crib still – Thursday I got a call from UPS that they had my crib but the box had been damaged and the hardware had fallen out. They found it but could tell the wood on the crib had been scratched.  They asked if I still wanted it or if I wanted them to send it back.  Send it back, I said!  So then I called Wally World and spoke to them about it, they are sending me a new crib.  Should be here today or tomorrow.  Crisis averted! 


Everything is coming together for little Tiddler!  Can you believe he/she will be here in 2 weeks or less?!?  It doesn’t seem possible!

Have a great week!



  1. Love the picture of you and the boys. So glad to hear your dad is doing well. Such a blessing. Can't wait to hear how all your baby stuff goes today!

  2. Sounds like a very productive weekend!!! I am so glad to hear your dad is doing so well. Yay for February!!!

  3. I can't wait for your February!!! So much happiness for your family this month! That is wonderful news about your dad. It appears the boys and hubby have the nesting bug from your pictures! :)

  4. Wow! You are getting so close!! Happy birthday month to you. You've got lots to celebrate!!

  5. This is the best news I have had heard all day!!! So happy for you Erin!

    And I guess my prediction was off. I thought little man/girl would have been here on Saturday. Oh well :)

  6. Happy Birthday and Baby Month!!! Don't forget my vote was for baby to arrive this week {do some jumping jacks on Friday morning}. I hope your appointment went well and you enjoyed your day with Andy!

  7. I can't believe the little babe will be here even sooner!!! Wow, I'm so excited!!
    That's amazing news about your dad. It really couldn't happen at a better time!! Wouldn't it be amazing if he got to go home in time for his birthday?!

  8. I'm so happy your dad is doing good. What a great month this will be!! Ella's birthday is the 20th and she will be 5. It's so hard to believe.
