04 February 2014

38 Week Bumpdate

Yesterday was a big day as far as Baby appointments are concerned.  First up we had our Ultrasound.  Let’s just say Baby is BIG.  We’re talking 8lb 12oz big!  Now US’s can be off by about 20oz, which could make it only 7lb 8oz, but as big as I am I doubt Baby is that small.  Baby has very chubby cheeks and what looks like LOTS of hair!  So excited to meet this little chubby, full head of hair baby!

Next up was our 3rd Non Stress Test.  I just love laying there listening to Baby’s heartbeat, plus the room is so calm and quiet, it’s so relaxing to just lay there.  Being in that room gets me very excited for D-Day!

Last we had our 38 week appointment.  My dr. looked over the US results and the first words out of her mouth were “what do you think about having this baby next week?”  I was speechless.  You all know how set I am on going on my due date – a.k.a. my Dad’s birthday.  So I told her it was such an emotional decision for me, what did she think?  She said let’s measure and check you and see what that looks like.  I was measuring 41 cm.  Then she checked me and I am a strong 2cm dilated, verging on 3, and 50% effaced.  So we discussed it a bit and agreed that if it was better for the baby and me it would be silly to say no to the early induction.  So guess what, friends – we’re having a baby next Monday!  Yikes!!!  I am so scared and excited and freaked and over the moon!!!  I can’t wait to meet this little one, and how great to know I will only be pregnant for 6 more days.  BUT!  My due date! Going on my own!  Everything I’ve had dreamed up in my head is going out the window.  Sigh.  Oh well, I’M HAVING A BABY!!!!  We go in Monday morning at 7 a.m. to get the IV in (ick), hook me up to all monitors and get the Pitocin started.  Please no horror stories on inductions!  Save those for next week when it’s all over!  Thanks!

So Andy and I left there with weird, dopey smiles on our faces. Ha ha!  Then the phone calls and texts started.  After school we picked up the boys and told them the exciting news, they are so excited!  And now I feel like I have a million and one things to do to get ready for next week.  It is so crazy to me to know when the baby’s birthdate will be!  And who knows, I suppose I could go this week sometime, right?  Doubtful but still a possibility. 

This is my last ‘Bumpdate’ I guess.  After this it will be updates on the baby, who will have a name finally! 



  1. Yay! Yay! Yay! Have you all managed to NOT see the sex in all these ultrasounds? 6 days to go!! Crazy. I can't wait to here the good news. Did anyone pick the 10th on your guess post?

  2. That's so exciting!!!! I can't wait to see pictures of your sweet little miracle!!!

  3. SO exciting!! No horror stories here... I was induced with Emily and my total labor was 3 hours start to finish... hopefully you'll have that same luck! :) Can't wait to see an update next week once the baby is here!

  4. I'm thinking you're going to go before Monday! I was induced with both boys and wouldn't have had it any other way (although I don't know what any other way would be like). Both labors were 6hrs start to finish. Good Luck when the time comes and I'm SUPER EXCITED to see a picture of that sweet babe.

  5. Yay!!! Well I know you don't want bad induction stories, but let me tell you I had a good one! :) I'm so stinkin excited for you Erin!!!!! I can't wait to see this baby!

  6. FWIW, my 2nd kid has to be induced. I asked if my doctor would break my water and just see what happened. He agreed to that and gave me a deadline a couple of hours later. He said if I didn't go into labor in a few hours they would do Pitocin. I ended up going into labor just fine on my own and didn't need the IV.

  7. Bahhhhhh. I can't wait to "meet" your new little one!

  8. That is awesome! I can't wait to meet this little baby!!!

  9. I needed to be induced all 4 times I delivered :) I ended up loving the experience!
    I'm so excited for you!!!

  10. OMG - YAAAAY!!!
    This sweet little bundle is ALMOST here! You've done such an awesome job, momma! Monday will be here before you know it. :)

  11. I'm so excited and happy for you and the boys!! I can't wait to hear all about it and see pictures!

  12. Congratulations!! Induction isn't so bad. I was induced with my first and while it did take aong time, the labor wasn't as bad as everyone said it would be. It was not nearly as bad as the labor with my second who came on his own. Good luck!!!

  13. I am so excited for you! This sounds so much like my pregnancy with J. My due date was also February 16. J was on the bigger side according to ultrasounds. I was to be induced early because of this. I ended up having J on the day I was to be induced on my own with no drugs. I totally feel like it was God answering prayers because I really wanted him to come on his own. He was born at 6:25 am. Five minutes before I was to arrive for my induction. Thinking of you!!! I look forward to seeing pics of the baby.

  14. I can't be ove baby is almost here! So very exciting!! I'm so happy for you all, and can't wait!

  15. So I am totally blog stalking you and catching up on all the missed posts....this got me all excited all over again. I was so excited when you texted me the news that baby was coming!!
