25 February 2014

Getting Back To Being Me

It’s been 2 weeks since I had Tate and I am LOVING being me again!

As much as I loved being pregnant I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love being ‘me’ again!  The swelling in my legs and feet is all gone, and boy does that feel good!  So does being able to jump up off the couch without needing Andy’s help to push or pull me off.  Being able to put on and tie my shoes without getting out breath is pretty dang amazing, too.

There are so many things that you forget you can or should be able to do when pregnant.  Getting comfortable when laying in bed? Absolute heaven!

One of the best things of not being pregnant, though, is wearing my regular clothes again!  When Tate was 8 days old I tried on a pair of my regular jeans and they zipped and buttoned right up!  My regular shirts looked pretty okay on, I somehow don’t have much of a flabby tummy this time around .  And when I hopped on to the scale last week I was at my pre-pregnancy weight already!  Woot woot!  YES I am bragging and NO I don’t care! Ha ha!  I just feel so dang good about it!  It has been a long 18 months of being pregnant and not being myself, I think I have earned this!  Now if I can keep this good trend going I might actually finally lose some weight.  I do think Mr. Tate is helping me in this area, he’s a good little eater so all of this breastfeeding is helping quite a bit!

Emotionally I am getting so close to being all the way back to me.  With the older boys I had the baby blues pretty bad, I cried all the time for the first 2 weeks, and off and on the weeks following that.  But with Tate I barely cried these first 2 weeks. The first week I did cry some, the 2nd week, though, I cried maybe 3 times all week.  Totally unheard of for me!  I don’t know why the great change but I’m not going to question it, just going to enjoy being a happy mommy!  (Sleep does help, though!)

Today is my birthday, although it doesn’t feel like my birthday.  Last year I cancelled my birthday because it was within 2 weeks of losing the baby and I couldn’t even imagine celebrating.  This year, although things are going so great with Tate and with my dad being home, I don’t feel like celebrating my birthday again.  I can’t figure this out because I am the type to celebrate my birthday month, birthday week, birthday weekend and birthday day, I always love my birthday!  Maybe it’s because it’s just been such a busy month, plus Brennan’s birthday is next week and I am trying to get that figured out and planned (bad mommy here – I haven’t bought him his gifts yet!!!).  IDK.  Whatever it is I am hoping next year to be back on track with the celebrating.  Luckily my amazing husband won’t hear of me not celebrating so he is making me feel extra special today!

Have a great Tuesday, friends!



  1. Happy birthday sweets... whether or not you feel like celebrating, I hope you have the best day!! And wow... 3 out of 5 birthdays in your family within a 3-week time frame?! That certainly is a busy time!!

  2. Happy Happy Birthday to you!!!

  3. Happy Birthday! Get some sweet baby snuggles :)

  4. So glad to hear you're feeling great! Happy birthday sweet friend! I hope your day is filled with family, fun, laughter and surprises!

  5. First I am cursing you for getting in your "normal" clothes while I am still rocking the maternity clothes to work and had to buy jeans 2 sizes bigger than pre Maverick!!!!!!

    This year is such a happier birthday you MUST celebrate. You have lots to be grateful for!!


  6. Pre prego weight???? Shut the front door!!! That is awesome! Brag away! I totally understand this feeling of being yourself again. I'm still all glowy in my pregnant state but I look forward to running and jumping around with my girls and having my energy back. Rock on mama!

  7. I'm seriously considering sending you video of me singing happy birthday in my "jersey accent" that I apparently have.

    Yay for pre-baby weight! That's awesome so brag away. :)

  8. Happy birthday, Erin! And brag away about the clothes! That's awesome news!!

  9. Happy, Happy Birthday Erin!!! Yay for getting back in your jeans! I totally think you will lose more weight, especially if Tate is eating so well! I know I lost so much weight that first year because of breastfeeding. I had to go buy pants a size down because all my pants were bagging so bad.

    Woohoo for getting into your pre-pregnancy clothes. You have every right to brag about it!

  11. I hope you had the happiest of birthdays. You deserve it. I can't believe you are already back at pregnancy weight. But that boy was most of the weight you gained so he made easy breezy. I sure as heck would be bragging about that as well!!

  12. Happy Birthday, Erin!!! It has been forever since I've been on blogger - I just read Tate's birth story posts and he is such a cutie! Oh my goodness, those cheeks are adorable =) ... You seem so happy! and I am so happy for you =) Your posts alllllllmost make me want another one but not quite, ha ha!! I love the name Tate, so cute! Congrats on another handsome little man, you are going to be one, well taken care of momma =)

  13. Oh my gosh! Why is time flying so fast! You had your baby and he's 2 weeks old?! I love the name Tate!

    I'm so happy for you!

    Now to read up!

  14. Happy belated birthday Erin. Sorry I missed it, I've been a little behind on reading blogs and such. Enjoy this happiness, you truly deserve it. You've gone through so much its your time to relax and take it all in. I'm always here for you friend. Love you!! Have I told you how handsome little Tate is??

  15. Happy belated birthday!! I feel awful about forgetting it!! And next year, celebrate it up!!! Wow, do you ever have a lot of birthdays back to back in your family!! And brag away honey, you should be proud!! I'm glad you're feeling so great!
