21 August 2013


Today is Aiden’s first day of 2nd grade!  We met his teacher last night and I instantly liked her!  He’s going to have a great year!  First day of school pics will be up tomorrow (or you can check Instagram today: homemadehappenings).

Now for So What Wednesday!

So What Wednesday

So what if…

  • I finally gave in after 11 years and agreed to get a Queen size mattress. Which leads me to
  • I have been perfectly happy sleeping on a Double mattress with my loving husband all these years.  We practically sleep on the same side of the bed anyway so why do we need a Queen when we will waste so much real estate?
  • we watched the first half of Gone With The Wind for the 50th time last night.  It was on TV.  It’s been awhile since we’ve actually watched the 2nd half, tho.
  • I am looking forward to our first tailgating of the year, which isn’t for 2 1/2 more weeks, because I know there will be a ton of awesome food there!  Yes, I’m excited to see our friends, too, but hello folks!  Pregnant woman at a buffet?  Watch out!
  • now that Aiden is starting school I feel like I can say I’m anxious for Fall to arrive and Summer to go.  Yes, I love Summer but I am over it.  Especially now that the heat and humidity is back.
  • after having 2 babies I have finally caved in and bought a body pillow.  My very good pregnant friend Shelli finally convinced me.  I used it last night and it was a little tight in that small Double bed.  Ha ha!  But I think it’s going to be awesome!
  • I bought a set of Queen sheets for the new bed that arrives next Friday but am waiting to buy a comforter because I don’t want to rush into anything and buy one I’ll hate later.  Wish me luck, buying comforters is such a pain!  I can never find one I absolutely love.  Any suggestions on where to look?

Tomorrow I’ll let you know how Aiden’s first day went!



  1. I hope Aiden has a good day! I can't believe you all were sleeping on a double bed. Adam and I sleep on a king. Uh, I mean Adam, G, and I. Haha!!

  2. A double bed?!?! For real? ... there is no way I could do it! ha ha... I need my space - we have always had a queen and I would LOVE to get a king. I loved my body pillow when I was preggo, it really does help!!

  3. Visiting from So What Wednesday!!

    Double bed? When I was pregnant, I had a complete breakdown because we were still sleeping in a double bed and I envisioned myself huge and miserable and needed my space. That day, he bought a king size and I have been in love with it ever since. Now I absolutely hate going on vacation because I know hotel beds are never as nice as mine. :)

    Tailgating! Yes! Bring on the chicken wings!

  4. Oh my gosh. A double bed? Jonathan and I did that for 9 months and I was miserable. We were both also much heavier then so maybe that was the issue. But now we have a king and it is AMAZING.

    I'm excited for your new bed! haha! I hate picking out comforters too... We need a new one badly because ours is faded but I just hate picking them out. Especially when I'm pregnant and can't make up my mind about anything.

  5. Can't even imagine a double bed! We have a queen, and I keep threatening that we need a king. My hubby is like you he loves a smaller bed. As far as comforters, I am so with you on finding the perfect one. It takes me forever to decide on items for our house. My hubby gets frustrated at the amount of time it takes me to make a decision. He's always telling me to just "Pick one." Guys don't understand!!! I guess it depends on how much money you want to spend. I love Pottery Barn, but they can be pricey. Target is also great!!! I got a coverlet and shams there, and I love them!!!

  6. I hate buying comforters too, you buy it and that's it! Almost like you're stuck with it! At least for awhile anyway!!
    Mmmm, tailgate food! I'm excited for you! Hahaha!
    I can't believe you've been in a double! I think that crazy! J and I have a king, he's 6'5 so he hangs off of anything else. But I can take up that whole bed myself! I pretty much sleep diagonally across it, and always have at least a finger or something touching Jason!! Enjoy your new bed!!

  7. Praise you for a double bed. Hubby and I have a queen and that is plenty big enough for us. I sleep like the dead so once I roll over I'm out. The only time it starts to feel tight is when we get little helpers in there. LOL sometimes I wake up and have no idea when they came in our bed.

    1. We have a had visitors in the night too, and that definitely gets cramped ... for Andy. I still have all my space, he someone squeezes the little one into a crook he creates and I never know they are there. :)

  8. We got our last comforter at Target and I love it! It's not too heavy, not too light and it's a solid color so I can change the decor (throw pillows and pictures) if I get bored.

  9. The body pillow was the BEST pregnancy item I bought. I think you'll LOVE it in your queen bed!!

  10. Seriously you and your husband are the cutest. We have a queen bed and I want a king bed sooo badly! How did the big 2nd grade do today?
