02 August 2013

Friday Link Up

Hey there! Today I’m linking up with Miss Kimmyyyyyy!!  But first I have to tell you about our bizarre 15 minutes before bed last night.  It was about 9:30, I was just shutting off the TV and picking up a few things when we heard a car peeling out and driving like crazy down the streets of our small town.  Think lots of tires squealing and lots of acceleration.  We could tell they were on the ‘main’ street our dead end intersects with.  All of a sudden we hear what sounds like a crash!  I’m worried it’s some bad guy who was trying to get out of town fast but Andy thinks he needs to be nosey so he goes outside in the dark IN A BRIGHT WHITE T-SHIRT (yea, they won’t see that glowing in the street lights!!).  In the house I can hear people talking, so I man-up and bravely go outside in the dark with Andy.  We decide he’s going to get in his truck and drive down to see what’s going on. *side note, not once did I consider someone might actually be hurt and we should be good citizens and go check on them.  I obviously have no heart.*  5 minutes later Andy gets back and says there is a truck that is all jacked up half-way in the ditch just around our corner.  And the one and only cop in town is there.  So no one was hurt, it was just some idiot going on a joy ride, trying to impress someone. So that was 10 minutes worth of the 15 minutes.  The next 5 involve Andy going in to check on Brennan and finding a disgusting tick stuck to his sweet little head.  We had to turn on Brennie’s light, rip that little booger out and apply some Peroxide to the sore left on my little guy’s head .  Luckily the kid was so asleep he just sat there mostly out of it and didn’t know what we were panicking about.  I hate ticks.  Ick. 

Ok, now onto Kimmy’s link up!!


List 20 random facts about yourself.

  1. I cut split ends out of my hair while watching TV
  2. I’m obsessed with my soaps (Y&R, B&B)
  3. I can’t think of anything but BABY
  4. I used to bite the skin around my nails until I broke my front tooth doing it one night (like completely broken up under the gum line, my left front tooth is fake)
  5. I didn’t get to have a Nintendo as a kid and now I understand why my parents didn’t want me having one
  6. I slept with my Ted and Blanky clear up until we got married
  7. I love anything Shabby Chic and will use that as the theme in a baby girls nursery if I ever get lucky enough to have a baby girl
  8. If it’s a boy it will be either orange, navy and gray or this other color combo I saw that I can’t remember so will have to go back and take a picture of it
  9. I bawl my eyes out whenever I watch a series finale of a show I loved
  10. Let’s face it, I cry about most things – I’m a weeper and I like it
  11. I love LOVE fresh air and keep my windows open as much as I can
  12. I’m already thinking about Christmas and what gifts I want to give people
  13. My fingernails grow super fast
  14. Ever since watching the Seinfeld episode where Kramer says taking a bath is like swimming in your own filth (paraphrased) I don’t like taking baths
  15. I don’t mind washing, drying and folding laundry but I hate putting it away
  16. I can touch my tongue to my nose
  17. I’m a hugger and I’d hug almost everyone I met if I didn’t think they’d get freaked out
  18. When we were kids my sister and I used to go into the sheep area that was by the crick and use their trails as roads for our Barbie cars.  We’d also set up their houses under tree roots that were exposed on the hill down to the crick.
  19. I LOVE Barbies, could care less that their shape is unattainable for real women, it never made me feel inadequate or that I needed to be shaped like Barbie and I will buy buy buy Barbie’s for my little girl (if I ever have one)
  20. I sing to most songs on the radio because I love to sing, oldies are my favorite

Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears

  1. Heights – this is a new one for me but I about had a panic attack on the Sky Lift at Adventureland  this week. I will keep my feet on the ground from now on.
  2. I am afraid of my kids being kidnapped and mean, terrible things being done to them.  Enuf said
  3. I am afraid of bugs, spiders, snakes, rodents...  Not sure how or when I started this fear.

Describe your relationship with your spouse

  • Oh wow, not sure how to describe our relationship.  We are sort of stuck in the 16yr old phase where we are goofy and weird and act bizarre with each other.  We have been together for 16 yrs so we are very comfortable with each other, no secrets, nothing hidden (ahem, bathroom duties) from each other. There is a ton of laughter in our relationship.  We still hold hands.  We like being together so when we go shopping we rarely go separate directions.  There is so much love between us.  We like to razz each other. I do believe we are perfect for each other and I know we have a great marriage.

List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could

  1. Spend more time with your friends and not as much with Andy
  2. Stop being such a fun-hater, go have some fun, get into a little trouble – it’s ok!
  3. Try out for Dance Team!
  4. Stop doubting yourself so much
  5. Don’t worry what other’s think
  6. Stop being such a bitchy Color Guard captain
  7. Don’t be so hard on your mom
  8. Cut your hair!!
  9. Talk yourself into going to a 4 year university
  10. Take more Spanish

What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?

  1. Andy
  2. Aiden
  3. Brennan
  4. Baby
  5. Spending time with friends


If you want to join in here are Mondays Questions:
6. If you could have three wishes, what would you wish for?
7. What is your dream job, and why?
8. What are 5 passions you have?
9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
10. Describe your most embarrassing moment.


I hope you have a wonderful weekend!  Tomorrow night is the party at the Winery for the friends who are getting married.  No kids for the night, looking forward to some time with Andy.  Otherwise we have a pretty quiet weekend.

Talk soon,



  1. Well that's a pretty eventful night for small town livin' =) I hate tics too, my boys get them occasionally because we have woods behind our back yard, those stinkers never want to come out and it's horrible when they are stubborn watching your babies cry! Jerks! ... I have never taken baths for that reason, as soon as I was old enough to take a shower on my own I never took another bath. It really is kinda gross when you think about it... lol Have fun at your party this weekend =)

  2. Holy frick! You broke your tooth off!!!! I bite the skin around my nails all the time! You may have cured me!!! I love shabby chic. Our guest bedroom upstairs is shabby chic in progress. And OBVI I love the blue, orange, and gray!!!! Haha!!!

  3. I love your marriage. It is the sweetest!!
    I also love that you called a "crick" and "crick." I had to explain what that was to some city-folk once. :)

    Happy Friday!!

  4. I love you and Andy! You are the cutest! I am the biggest crier when it comes to shows ending. When Friends ended I bawled like a baby.

  5. I love you so much! I am sad we did not get to meet up with my crazy schedule in Iowa. I also am so late to catching up on blogs but I am dedicating my work morning to it. shhhhh :-)

    I am so happy for you and your pregnancy!!! ahhhhhh!!!! I could scream!!!

    Thanks for linking up with me lovely!!!
