27 August 2013

My First Cara Box Reveal

I participated in my first Cara Box exchange in the month of August.  If you aren’t familiar with Cara Box you can read about it HERE, then sign yourself up and participate, it’s so fun!  Condensed version, it’s a blogger gift swap.  It is a quarterly swap so you get more time to get to know who you’re swapping with.  So fun!

The gal I I sent my box to was Rabia over at The Liebers.  It was so fun to email back and forth and to read her GREAT blog so I could get to know her enough to send her a meaningful box.  And her blog is GREAT.  I love reading it every day! 

Haley from The Chandler Family is who sent me my box. (So you get to know 2 different bloggers each swap!)  She is super sweet and has such a cute little boy!  And she sent me one heck of a box!  I’m excited to share it with you!


Each item Haley chose for me was so ‘me’! She was super thoughtful.  Here are a few highlights.

A PINK rubber spatula, because I like to cook and bake and I like the color pink.


This candle smells amazing!  The scent is Lemon Meringue.  It is surprising more of a fall scent than I expected!  And it made my whole main living area smell good, which I love in a candle!


Because I love to garden Haley got me a gardening magazine.  I devoured it in one sitting!


Scrapbooking/card making supplies!!!  These little clothespins are adorable!  I can’t wait to make some cards and pages using them!  Adorable!


And this sweet, sweet note.  It really brightened my day!


Thanks to my new blogging friend, Haley, for the great Cara Box!!!

I hope you guys join in on the fun and sign up for the next quarter.  You can sign up the first week of September so get on over there and do it!



  1. You and Desiree both do this Cara box! I should give this a try. It looks fun!

  2. What a great box!! I'm so glad you had fun this month. I can't wait to see what the theme for the next quarter will be!!

  3. Oh that looks like so much fun! Maybe I need to try this!

  4. Love you Cara Box! Love those little clothespins, so cute! <3

  5. How fun is this? I think I should try this out! What a great idea!!

  6. I am so glad you loved your box!!! I seriously loved putting it together, but even more I am glad I made a new friend!

  7. I loved getting to know you Erin. But I especially loved the box you sent me. My daughter and I had fun painting out nails together and they boys love their stickers. I'm glad we met and I love reading your blog!

  8. I love the clothespins! Your partner did wonderful!
