22 August 2011

Weekends Go Too Fast

Dear Grandma,

How was your weekend?  Ours went by way too fast.  Ever since I quit my job to stay home with the boys (a year now!!) I've had nice, long weekends.  Probably because I'm home during the week so it doesn't feel like I have to jam so much into those 2 short days.  But this weekend just flew by!  Nicole (my sister) and Nora (her daughter/my niece) came by Saturday morning to stay for the day so Nicole and I could get some scrapbooking done.  We always have a good time when we do this but we never get more than 2 or 3 pages done because we have to chase after Nora and Brennan the whole time.  Now that they're 2 1/2 they're a little easier to have around for this because they don't require as much attention, they pretty much entertain themselves.  Then her husband and son, Pat and Charley, came over for supper and to hang out so we didn't scrap at all in the evening.  But it was a fun day.

Sunday we went to our hometown to visit my in-laws, have lunch with them and run to the awesome grocery store garden center to get some end of season bargains.  I bought 4 perennials for $8 to plant in the flower bed Mom and I were cleaning out.  They all attract butterflies and hummingbirds and bloom at different times throughout the spring, summer and fall, so I'll have a lot of color in that bed.  Then my husband's brother and his family came over late afternoon for supper and to visit.  My sister in law and nieces had not seen the house yet so they were anxious to come visit.

Speaking of the new house, we've been here for a month already!  Where did that month go??  I don't feel like we've accomplished anything we wanted to get done in here yet.  It all takes money and time, so eventually it'll all get done, but in the meantime we're living with someone else's curtains, wall colors and taste.  We did get some of the window treatments down yesterday, they just did not fit our style.  It really opened up the formal living room, I think I like the window without any curtains.

After today there is one more day of 'freedom' for Aiden before he starts 13 years of school (plus 4 more for college).  I keep thinking of all the 'lasts' we're having together -- last time he goes with me to get groceries, last time he goes with me to meet Daddy for lunch, etc.  I should think of all his 'firsts'.  I keep thinking of your story about Dad, how he didn't want to go to school because he'd miss you and then when he came home the first day he said school was okay but "I really missed you!"  That story breaks my heart and is exactly how I will feel about Aiden on Wednesday. But! He will have a great time and get to make new friends and get to learn so many neat things!  I really am happy and excited for him, but feel sad and sorry for me.  :( 

Time to put laundry away!

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