15 August 2011

State Fair Fun!

We had a fabulous day at the State Fair Saturday! The weather was beautiful, the crowd wasn't so big that you couldn't walk down Main Street, the boys were really good and had a lot of fun and the food, as always, was delicious!  I had my hot beef sundae so I can live through another year.

This year, for the first time, we went down "The Big Slide".  It was FAST!  First my husband and oldest son went.  They held hands on the way down.  (They are the 2 on the left hand side of picture, right in the middle.)

Then I took our youngest.  When we finally made it to the top I looked down and thought "Is he going to scream from terror or laugh the whole way down?"  My husband said he had a big smile on his face the whole way down, but you'd never know it from the pictures Andy took.  He's not the best photographer. :)

All four of us climbed on all the John Deere equipment and the boys got funny foam J.D. visors (you can't see it in these pics but the back has a deer tail sticking up, pretty cute!).  Brennan wasn't happy that we made him sit for a picture, he wanted to sit up in that big 'ol Deere!

We arrived at 9 and left at 2, same as every year.  And we even thought we walked slower and added a couple new buildings to walk thru.  One of my favorite buildings to walk through is the 4-H building, it always gets me motivated to make a quilt or refinish some furniture.  But I have set a goal for myself first -- I have to finish all of my unfinished sewing projects first.  Now I know what I'll be doing during Brennan's nap when Aiden starts school next week! 

All in all, another successful year at the fair.

1 comment:

  1. So I am your Blog Swap Partner!! Whoop Whoop!!!! I am commenting on this post since we go to the Iowa State Fair every year and even before we had our kids, the hubs and I would down this slide!! Our oldest loves it and our youngest was asleep, so he will get to try it next year! My hubs' sister lives in Iowa now. So it is pretty awesome to get matched up with someone from there also! Can't wait to get to know you!!
