10 August 2011

Rectory Down!

Today the boys and I went to watch our church's rectory be torn down.  Our church is going through a growing phase where they have added a hall onto the church, connecting it to the school next to it, which provided office and gathering space for our congregation and church employees.  Now they are tearing down the old rectory that sits next to the church to create more parking space.  I don't have any emotional attachment to the building but it was still a little hard watching it be torn down. My husband and I had our pre-marriage counseling there and also took our baptism class there for our oldest son.  It was built in the early 1900's so it had a lot of beautiful woodwork in it.  A couple in our parish who are building a house were able to salvage the old staircase and some of the wood trim from the house to put into their new house - I would love to see how that all comes together!  Another parish member salvaged all of the bathroom fixtures (toilet and all).  It's neat to think that some parts of this old house will live on.

I wish I had taken my camera, my boys and their cousin had a lot of fun while they were tearing that old house down by.... playing with their tractors!  I thought they would have thought it really neat to see that excavator tearing into that house but no, they were more interested in planting their fields and hauling their grain. Boys. :)

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