10 February 2017

Tate Turns Three!

Today's post is all about my THREE year old, Tate!

  • He loves putting together puzzles.  It doesn't matter if it's an 8 piece wooden puzzle or a 100 piece puzzle, he loves to sit and work at them.  He'll climb up to the counter where Tenley can't reach and work until he's completed a puzzle and then ask for another one.
  • Tate makes the best 'thinking expression'.  Anytime I ask him a question he'll sort of scrunch up his forehead, look to the one side with just his eyes and think about the answer.  He's very deliberate in his answers and never replies until he knows what he's wanting to say.  You can almost see the wheels turning in his cute little head.
  • Depending on what I have made for a meal Tate can be a very good eater or a very poor eater.  If I make something he loves he will eat and eat and eat and clean his plate.  If it's not something he loves he will piddle around, goof off, get off and on his chair a million times and be the last person to finish eating, which is saying something since Brennan is the world's slowest eater.

  • Every single day, as we are pulling away from the school where we've dropped the big boys off, Tate will ask me if he can have a snack and/or if he can watch his favorite shows.  And every single day I tell him no, it's too early for a snack, you just ate breakfast!
  • Tate's favorite shows to watch are Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, Thomas the Train, Backyardigans and his favorite, Curious George.  When Tenley goes down for her morning nap it's Tate's TV time.  I'll ask him what he wants to watch and he'll tell me 'Dorge' (for George).  After that he wants to watch 'Daniel', then 'Backyards' or 'Thomas'.  
  • I do believe Tate would live outside if at all possible.  Playing outside is his very favorite thing to do.  When he asks to go outside and I tell him it's too cold he says "I will wear my hat.  And gloves. And coat.  You can too, Mom."  Smartie!

  • Tate loves playing with the big boys.  He is now big enough to tag along on 'boy's only' trips, like a recent trip to Menards.  He was grinning ear to ear when they got home.  He is very excited to get to go golfing with Daddy this summer.
  • Books are another 'favorite' of Tate's.  He reads them in bed before naptime, reads them in the car and at church, reads them all throughout the day...books are a huge part of Tate's life!
  • He still has those wicked swirls on either side of the back of his head.  No matter how long I've let his hair grow they still give him an 'Alfalfa' hairstyle.  I love it and hope he never outgrows it!
  • Tate's favorite drink is milk, favorite snack is Goldfish crackers or fruit snacks, favorite food is mostly any fruit.

  • Tate loves to be tickled and asks for this regularly!
  • He is quite the singer!  He will sing and sing and sing in the car and when he's finished with his made up song he'll ask "Mom, did you like that song?" :)
Currently Tate...
Wears: size 3T/4T shirts, 3T pants, size 9 shoes
Weighs: 40lbs 2oz, 97th %
Stands: 40.5"tall 95th%
Is: 100% potty trained
Has: 20 teeth

Tate is such an awesome kid and I love him more than words can say!

Happy 3rd birthday, Tatie Tot!!!


  1. Sweet Tate!!! What a big boy!! I love to hear about all his adventures . . . I miss those days! :-)

  2. Happy Birthday!!!! Why is he already 3?

  3. Growing like a weed! Happy Birthday Tate.

  4. Happy Birthday, Tate!!
    He sounds so much like Marcus!
