24 February 2017

36 Things About Me

In honor of my 36th birthday tomorrow, here are 36 things about me.

I have two vices: Mt Dew and Andy

I'm a more patient mom of toddlers at age 36 than I was at age 26

I never though at age 26 I'd still have toddlers in the house ten years later!

I'm definitely NOT a night owl

I have a glass of chocolate milk every single morning with breakfast

I don't love children's movies because there's always a bad guy and my 
tender heart can't handle that

I'm turning 36 but my head still tells me I'm only 24

I share a birthday with my dear, sweet Grandma Louise in Heaven

I am a licensed cosmetologist but haven't worked in a salon
in almost 11 years

I worked in a bank for 4 years before getting to be a stay at home mom

I've lived in 5 different houses and 1 apartment in my life

My favorite genre of music is Oldies (mostly 60's) but I also
like Country and Soft Rock

I went to Hawaii in the 2nd grade with my family at the end of my
dad's 6 week work-stint there

I love having my house decorated for holidays but the day after each holiday
I am ready to put that stuff away and move on to the next

I love having candles or Scentsy wax burning

Some days I don't get the table wiped down from breakfast until after lunch

I love playing in my flower beds ... except when it's above 80 degrees :)

I watch The Young and the Restless every day of the week

I love to get lost in a good book, and when I do don't expect me to get off the couch
to clean the house or make supper

If I had really thought about what I love back in high school I'd either be
an accountant or meteorologist

I am a weather nut and almost always know what the forecast is.  If severe weather is
called for I geek out and try to be home so I can enjoy it when it comes through

I hate rodents, spiders, bugs and snakes and if a dog isn't my own I'm not a fan of it

I love kitty cats but am afraid to pet them because Andy is allergic and
I don't want to make him sneeze and be miserable

I'm a touchy-feelie type and give hugs to everyone

If I run across an adult throughout my day I chat their ear off
because I've only had toddler talk all day

If we are watching something that spooks me I MUST have all of my skin covered -
that includes my feet, ears, neck, hands - everything!

My favorite genres of books to read are romance and historical romance (westerns especially).
Growing up my favorites were kid ghost stories - not the spooky ones, more like
the sweet, sad, feel good in the end ones

I love sticking to our old traditions, like adding new ones and hate
when some get lost over time

I'm an old soul and think I should have been born in the 50's - or maybe
I was and have been reincarnated into this life (food for thought)

I like washing the outside of our windows because I have a handy-dandy
squeegee to do the job which makes it fun :)

I have chapstick in several places in my house, in my car and in my
purse because I always feel like I need some

I don't wear glasses or contacts

My favorite color is green but I have only one green scarf in my wardrobe,
otherwise everything else is pink, gray or black (mostly)

I would consider myself a fairly strict parent where rules apply but
I like goofing off and having fun with the kids when I can

I've had my wisdom teeth and gall bladder removed but still have my
tonsils, adenoids and appendix

I am a very nostalgic person, sometimes the weirdest items have special meaning to me,
 and I used to keep everything from trinkets to school papers
until I had kids and realized I just couldn't do that anymore

There it is, 36 things about me!  Now I'm off to go celebrate my birthday with the ones I love.  Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. I hope you had the best birthday and weekend!! I know that wonderful family of your spoiled you!!
    As I was reading this I was nodding my head to so many!

  2. I hope you had an awesome birthday! I to love hugs... sorry, you will get one if we meet. I have a SIL that isn't a fan but I still give her one, it's my thing.lol

    I am with you.. I had a toddler at 26 and then 36 and I never would have dreamed that would have been my life... But I love every second of it, even when they are being terrors.
