13 July 2016


Happy Wednesday everyone!  I haven't done a 'Currently' post in awhile so thought I'd write one up.  I love these post on other's blogs so hopefully you do, too!

Currently I'm...

Summer Sisters by Judy Blume...again!  For the, what, 20th time?!?  I've lost track a long time ago but it still gets me EVERY.SINGLE.TIME!!!  I have loved this book so much for so long that last year for my birthday Andy bought me a hardcover copy. I might have asked for him to have Judy Blume sign it for me, and I'm still waiting!  #AskForTheMoon!

The Real Housewives of New York, New Jersey and Orange County!  I can't get enough of these shows!  This is my first season watching NY and NJ, what took me so long?!?  I also am watching The Bachelorette and Are You the One on MTV.  Drama drama drama!!!  I love it, fun little escape!  And it makes me appreciate how 'boring' my life is - no drama here!

Praying for
Good, positive news for my cousin's wife about her lymphoma diagnosis.  Today she finds out what kind she has and what stage.  We have been praying non-stop for her since finding out about this last week.  We need it to be Non-Hodgkins and it'd be awesome for it to have been caught so early it's not even a stage 1 yet.  Fingers and toes crossed, prayers said, wishes made.  She'd appreciate any and all prayers she can get so please say a quick one for her today.  She has a sweet little girl at home that needs her mommy!

summer clearance sales!  This week I snagged 6 items from Crazy 8's online clearance sale for $30!  Tenley's winter wardrobe just got bigger!  I found her the cutest Valentine's Day outfit and a fun flouncy tutu for Christmas parties (not shown here)!

That my tomato plants looked bushier and were producing more tomatoes than they are.  I've had quite the season with my tomato plants. First, out of the 6 I planted only 1 survived the rabbits and/or birds.  Then I bought and planted 6 more and Tate tried helping me weed my garden by pulling out 2.  I quickly replanted them but they didn't rebound quite like I'd hoped they would.  I have some small tomatoes on the vines now so fingers crossed I get a good crop still because I have far too many empty jars in my basement!

Excited for
the county fair next week!!!  I am SO excited to watch Aiden show his lambs!  I am SO excited for Sloppy Joe Dinners!  I am SO excited for all the sights, sounds and smells of the fair!  I am just SO excited for it all!

the heat they are forecasting for next week.  Hot, humid weather and the fair don't mix in my book (although they should since it's July in Iowa!).  I'm planning on packing lots of water bottles and cold packs!

Biotin!  I'm on the edge between wanting my hair long again and wanting it short again.  I can't decide which way to go but obviously if I cut it short there's no quick fix to getting it long again so while it's at the length it is I think I'll go for 'long' for a bit and see how it goes getting there.  I'm just frustrated with it, feel like I never look good because I throw it up in a ponytail a lot.  I need to start taking the time to style it in the mornings because when I don't I feel like I look terrible and get antsy for a change.  I did like this haircut, though...

That's what's going on 'Currently' with me!  How about you?


  1. I SUPER PUFFY heart love your hair in the last picture! Love it! You look gorgeous!

    I love Crazy 8 and Gymboree! That little girl of yours is going to be oh so cute this fall and winter.

    I'll be praying for your family member. Hope it's all good news or as good as can be!!

    I'm pretty sure you and I would do well together. Those are all my favorite shows! I love a little drama....via TV!

  2. Judy Blume like the kids books? I loved her kids books... is that an adult version? I think I may want to read it.

  3. Hot and humid? Sounds EXACTLY like fair weather! LOL!
    You snagged some goodies from Crazy8! Well played. I just picked up a big haul from BabyGap. I can't resist when they have their 40% off sales.
    No matter the length of your hair, or how you style it, I think it always looks awesome!!

  4. Summer Sisters is the best!! Prayers for your cousin.

  5. I love these posts from others and need to do one myself!!! I can't remember if I've ever read that Judy Blume book so I need to get on it! I loved her books as a child but it's been a long time since I've picked one up!

    I'm so lame with watching TV - I don't watch anything exciting. Everybody loves the Real Housewives . . . I think they should follow around a bunch of us and see how true housewives live! LOL!

    Those sweet little girl clothes . . . I miss those days . . . so adorable. Miss Tenley will be so fashionable!!

    You tomato saga is kind of funny . . . I'm sure just to someone else because I can imagine how frustrated you are!!! Winky face!

    Love your hair in the picture! I want better hair myself - I need to watch You Tube videos on how to work a curling iron because that is the look I like and that's trending right now! Sadly I put it up most days too!
