26 July 2016

County Fair 2016 || Part 2

You can read about Part 1 HERE.

While the sheep show was a major part of the county fair for us this year there was so much more that we saw and did.  

Even though it wasn't ALL about the sheep that was a big part of it and Tate loved that!  Here he is sweeping out our tack stall.  A toddler in muck boots - doesn't get much cuter than that!

 Around 10:00 that morning Aiden and his buddies came running up to ask if Aiden could be part of their livestock judging competition team.  Uh, what?!? He didn't do any of the workshops because he wasn't planning on doing this competition.  Basically it's 4-Hers judging livestock.  Aiden had zero knowledge of this PLUS just look at how he's dressed!  We didn't have his 4H shirt or jeans with us because he was there to chore and hang out that day!  After much begging they talked me into letting him join their team.  Out of all the junior's Aiden came in 5th individually and his team took 3rd overall!  Ha ha, I laughed so hard. Out of his team of 4 he placed the highest!  Just think what he could have done if he'd actually known what he was looking at!  Because of placing 5th he earned himself a purple ribbon and for the team placing 3rd he got a ribbon and the team split $10!  That's a great start to the fair!

One of the best parts of the fair for Aiden was being there with some of his best buddies!  While we were washing the sheep  Monday night Connor and Hunter found us in the wash bay so came in to join in on the fun.

These boys have my heart!

 My favorite night of entertainment is always the night of the tractor pull!

Brennan was such a trooper the whole week while we were focused on Aiden and his sheep.  Isn't he cute!?!

After the sheep show a big rain cell moved in and it just poured and poured.  It was windy and cold.  We hid in the sheep barn for about an hour until it finally started to let up.  We took the break in the rain and high tailed it to the truck to leave and get the babies.  We decided to call it a day and didn't go back that night.  The rodeo was cancelled because of all the rain so we didn't really miss anything.

This was the swine show day.  Another of Aiden's best buddies was showing his pen of 3 pigs.  I think showing pigs looks like fun but what do I know?!? :)

By this day the temperatures and humidity were really ramping up.  We were in a heat warning starting the next day and we were already feeling it!  The busy week and warm weather was catching up with all of us.

That night we stayed long enough to watch the Clydesdale parade around the fairgrounds.  Those big horses are so amazing!  It was pretty cool watching them run by.

After we watched the horses go by I took Tate for a ride on the 'choo choo' around the perimeter of the grounds.  He was so darn happy on that train!  He waved and waved and waved!  I had the best time with him and am so glad I got to be the one to go with him!  Just look at that happy face!

This day was so dang hot, it was ridiculous!  The heat index made it up to 118 degrees!!!  Ouch!  But we suffered through the hot morning because we had some friends to watch in the show ring - it was the Cattle Show!

Another good buddy showed up to watch this day, too!  This is my dad's first cousin's son - don't they look alike??  You can tell they are cousins, even if they are distant!

Typically with the hot weather like we had the cattle are lazy and don't get jumpy - not this day!  One of the kids showing his calf (which are full sized cattle, don't be fooled by the word 'calf'!) got trampled by it, it was pretty scary!  Luckily nothing was broken (he stomped his leg pretty good.  As a 12 year old, getting stomped by a 1200+lb steer doesn't feel very good!) and he came back after going to the ER to do the Showmanship Competition. His mom said he was bribed with $100 by his aunt to get back in the ring.  I was a tad nervous sitting in the stands watching these calves out there with those small kids!

Aiden's buddies had a good day - neither won their class but they did great and their cattle did what they were supposed to.

The show was over by 12:30 and we bailed on the fair.  It was just too hot.  We grabbed Aiden's one friend and took him with us to lunch in the air conditioning.  We dropped him back off at the fair and went home for naps.  That night Aiden and I sat in one of the 4H buildings watching the projects to make sure nothing happened to them.  We finished the night off watching some of the motocross event.  One of Aiden's classmates races - he got 2nd and 4th in his 2 divisions!

This was the last day of the fair.  The week was long in a good way and none of us were ready to say goodbye to the fair.  We cleaned up our tack stall, loaded all of our stuff in the truck and off we went.  It was a wonderful fair and we can't wait for next year!


  1. Holy cow! What a week! And so hot!! Tate in those stalls....tooo cute!!! And wait to go Aiden for getting in there and nailing it!!!

  2. I'm trying to get back next summer in July instead of June so the kids can soak up a county fair. There's nothing like them!
    I used to help my friend with her pen of 3 every summer, along with sheep. They were such PAINS! And getting them loaded into the truck to haul to the fairgrounds was always such a spectacle! It was the only time my friend's dad (who is always so mellow and low key) would lose his cool. Stick with sheep. :)

  3. When you say fair week, you mean it! I didn't realize you'd be there every day, but it's kind of cool! Our fair is in the fall when the kids are back in school.

    I love a tractor pull . . . I used to watch those with my dad when I was little - so loud!!! Tate sweeping and Brennan being so cute . . . such good boys! And I love seeing Aiden with his friends and supporting them at their showings! :-)
