04 April 2016

Weekend Rewind

Welcome to a new week!  I am so happy that its April, although that means we are starting the second quarter of the year, which is totally nuts!

Today is my mom's 60th birthday!  Happy birthday, Mom!  We are celebrating this morning with a little shopping trip. We live close to an Amish community and they have a few stores sprinkled out in the country.  There are bakery's, greenhouse/nursery's and little community grocery stores. The grocery stores sell herbs, spices, and grains in bulk, along with some candy and other odds and ends.  I get my pepper, cinnamon, and oatmeal there.  We both are in need of stocking our pantries so since Mom took the day off for her birthday we decided to make a run up there.  We are starting at the bakery for a glazed twist and doughnut holes (yum!).  Once we are done with our little shopping excursion we are heading back to town for lunch.  We are meeting my grandma, aunt, uncle and dad for lunch.  That is our little birthday lunch group - we meet up for all of our birthdays. :)

We began the celebration yesterday with cake and ice cream at my folk's house.  I made a super delicious Lemon Cake and my sister brought the ice cream.  We had a fun afternoon hanging out - the weather was nice and warm, although super windy, so the kiddos were outside playing and my dad was giving them 4 wheeler rides while the rest of us adults sat inside chatting.  It was a good time to snap a picture (or 7) of my mom with all 6 of her grandkids.

Why wasn't I paying attention and trying to get Tate to smile? Sigh, oh well, they can't all be perfect. Case in point...

Just WHAT is Tate doing? Ha ha!

Since the weather was so warm Sunday we were outside as much as possible.  The boys had religion class in the morning but as soon as they came home we got to work outside.  First, the boys climbed down in their window wells to clean out the leaves that gathered there over the winter.  Then we worked on raking out the sod and rocks the snow plow pushed into our neighbors yard.  She has a bad hip, plus Aiden is working to 'pay rent' for a small pasture area at her farm in the country where he'll keep his 4-H sheep this summer, so we thought we'd take care of that for her.  Tenley was hanging out in her stroller while the rest of us worked.

After we got back from my parent's house Andy took the big boys to the golf course to play a few holes. Tate, Tenley and I played outside for an hour until we got tired of being whipped by the wind.  Tenely had bare legs and toes for the very first time because it was so warm - I loved it!  I can't wait to be able to have her bare legs and toes out all the time, they're so cute and sweet!

Saturday we were supposed to have the boys' first soccer games but because of the cold and 50mph wind gusts they cancelled the games.  The did still have pictures so Andy ran them over for that while the Sweet T's and I stayed home and waited for them.  After lunch we ran to town to grab some lemons for that yummy Lemon Birthday Cake I was making Sunday, then came home and worked on figuring out how to lay the tile in the basement.  It's a tad tricky because we want to make sure there aren't any weird cuts that you will see.  I think we have it figured out.  Next step is finally laying it!  After that, the big boys and I went to church while Andy stayed home with the sleeping babes. Then we finished the night watching the Final Four games.  As of right now I'm still in 2nd place in our family brackets, but I can get no more points because my championship game picks are out. It's down to Andy and Brennan.  Fingers crossed North Carolina loses so Andy can pick where we go out to eat - I'm afraid of what Brennan will pick, ha ha!

That was our weekend!  Nice and relaxing, for the most part.

Up for this week - Monday, Mom's birthday. Tuesday, groceries and make up soccer game.  Wednesday, meeting a friend for lunch in the big city.  Thursday night, the boys' school conferences. Saturday, WINE TOUR DAY!!!  Going to be a quick week, can't wait for Saturday!  Have a great week!


  1. Your Lemon Cake looked SOOOOO good! I love lemon baked goods, and that one looks like it didn't disappoint.
    Look at Lou in those stylish glasses. Oh my gosh.
    Are you close to the colonies??? We were over that way once and stopped to buy some of their caramel. Oh my gosh - SO good.

  2. I am going to need that cake recipe... I saw it in the picture and I was drooling. I am loving this weather and hope it is here to say because I too want to have a bare legged baby. Nothing is cuter then baby chunk.
