06 April 2016

So What Wednesday

So What if...

\\ I'm thinking of starting my Christmas shopping already.  I have 4, count them FOUR, kids to buy for, plus an awesome husband, a sister, brother in law, 4 parents, 3 nieces and 1 nephew.  If I don't start now and spread out the spending my pocketbook is going to be hurting in December!

\\ I've already sold a bunch of my baby equipment that we are still using.  Yep, sold it right out from under my sweet Loulie.  :)  My dad's cousin's son and his girlfriend are expecting in August so they won't be needing it while Tenley is still using it. Feels good to know it's all going to a good home where they'll love it and take care of it.  I'm a tiny bit ready to get rid of the clutter but not ready to say goodbye to all things baby.  

\\ I have been waiting for the series 'Ed' to finish up on the channel UP so I can downgrade my satellite service.  It is super duper pricey and I'm tired of paying for a bunch of junk/channels we don't watch.  I think I have to say goodbye to Bravo, also, which hurts big time because I love RHOC and BH but it hurts even more saying goodbye to my dolla dolla bills each month.  I'm hoping that once our contract is up this Fall I can cancel our service all together and go strictly with an antennae and Netflix.  Unless any of you have any suggestions... ???  The worst part about not having satellite service is losing all sports channels - we watch the heck out of sports here!

\\ I can't drink more than a tiny taste of wine Saturday on my mom's birthday winery tour.  I'll have fun with my mom, sister and aunts regardless of where we are and what we are doing/drinking.

\\ I go to the grocery store every week and yet I come home and think I have nothing to make for supper.  What am I doing wrong?  I need to get back to meal planning, that would help immensely.  

That's what I'm saying So What to this week!


  1. I'm with you on the Christmas shopping! I have so many people to buy for. We used to have Direct TV and we finally gave up the bill like two years ago. Glad we did. Now we have Apple TV and we love it. We just use my mom's TV service login to watch the extra channels the Apple comes with.

  2. I need to start in on Christmas shopping, too! Plus, it's always so nice to be done with all of that before things get crazy in November/December.
    I'm ready to give the boot to some of our big baby items. But Julia can go ahead and slow it down with the growing up.
    We keep going back and corn on whether we should give up cable. We have Amazon Prime and Netflix. But, the sports is the kicker for us too.

  3. I start my Christmas shopping early too... I grab things on clearance all the time, so helpful!

    Meal planning helps a ton with the grocery issue... I do the same too because when I don't meal plan, I fall in the habit of just buying all the usual stuff but have no idea what I'm really making. It's a pain to meal plan but SO helpful!

  4. Do NOT say the word Christmas....AAHHHH!!! We haven't even made it to summer yet. Now that I'm all these damn supplements, I am SO. THIRSTY. which makes drinking tough....boo :)

  5. I considered starting the (you know what) shopping too. Target always has Christmas in July sales so I think I am going to wait for them. We quit our satellite cold turkey and used antenna for a while but now we have a blu-ray player that has wifi so we have Hulu and Netflix. Spending $15 on tv is way better then $115 for sure.

  6. I am where you are with Christmas shopping. I actually started putting things back when things went on clearance after Christmas. I have two big bins full of stuff.

    Also, same boat as you with dinner. I buy groceries then complain of having nothing for dinner. I need to start meal planning again in a bad way. I can't wait for farmer's market season. I'm ready for some fresh fruits and veggies!
