02 March 2016

So What Wednesday

This week I'm saying So What If...

~ I still don't have Tenley's Easter dress.  I had one bought, size 6-9m, but this little peanut just isn't growing as fast as her big brothers did.  I took it back to exchange it for a smaller size and they didn't have it in 3-6m, so now I'm on the hunt.  I found one at Carter's online but in person I didn't like it. I checked all the children's clothing stores at the mall this past weekend and didn't see anything in any of them that I even liked.  I'm hoping this week to head back to the big city to try looking one more time.  What I consider to be the perfect first Easter dress just might not happen, and yes I'm sad about that.

~ Brennan's birthday is this weekend and I'm not at all prepared.  Friday night we are taking him and 4 friends to a local bowling alley for 2 hours - they provide pizza, pop, shoes and 1 lane for up to 6 for $40. Beats the heck out of having five 7 year olds running around and tearing up my house!  Sunday is his actual birthday and the day we are having family over to celebrate.  I finally asked Bren yesterday what he wanted to have for dinner that day so I finally have an idea of what I'm cooking, now to head back to the grocery store for all the supplies.  Luckily his gift is bought and being stashed at my in-laws house so that's all taken care of.

~  I'm sitting here typing this up Tuesday afternoon during Tate's nap instead of cleaning this hell-hole up.  Seriously, this house is ALWAYS a mess, no matter how often I pick up after everyone.  I'd love to just walk around throwing everything into a laundry basket but if I did no one would go through it to get their stuff out and then I'd just have one less basket to use for all the massive amounts of laundry we constantly have around here.

~  I'm the only person in the universe to think it's ok that Bachelor Ben told 2 women he loved them.  Maybe he does!?!  It has to be incredibly hard to hear someone you love tell you they love you and not be able to say it back.  I'm glad he listened to his heart and said what he was feeling.  And I'm also glad he booted off Caila - she was starting to drive me insane. Something about how she talked, IDK.  And her hair drove me nuts, always flopping in her face and then she had to flop it back into place.  Put the hot rollers away, Caila.  Now I can't decide which girl I'm rooting for more, he can't go wrong with either of them I think.  Oh, and how hard does that have to be to stand there at the rose ceremony knowing that you just 'did it' with him and that she just 'did it' with him in the same week??? And that she is a friend of yours from the house???  Yikes!

That's what I'm saying So What to this week!


  1. Don't feel bad on not being prepared. I have Evan's baptism Sunday and I haven't got a thing... not even an outfit (for me that is). Guess what I am going to be doing on Saturday.

  2. Target had some really cute little girls clothes...have you checked there? I keep wanting to buy everything but am trying to stay reserved in my purchases until later this year!

  3. I feel SO under prepared for Marcus' party at the end of this month! Usually I've got about 30 things all done and ready by now. But this time? Nope. I just handed most of it over to the place where his party is taking place. I suppose maybe that means I should start working on Julia's party then? ;)
    My house is ALWAYS a mess. Between the two kids, the cat, and the dog, it's never clean like I'd like it. I wish someone would just come over and give it all a good scrub down for me.
    I'm with you on Bachelor Ben. And, I was SO glad Caila was sent home. I don't know what it was, but I couldn't stand her. I think I'm rooting for JoJo. I like Lauren, but there's just something about JoJo...

  4. I hope you find the perfect dress . . . I'm sure you have a picture of it in your head and you'll know it when you see it! And yes to parties not at your house . . . I forget that and make the same mistake over and over! Ha! And girl, I think any house with multiple kids is a mess. And I just gave the lecture last night that they all need to look around and help out more . . . how about we just start with them picking up their own crap?!?
