07 March 2016

Brennan's 7th Birthday!

Sunday was Brennan's 7th birthday!  He had a great weekend celebrating his special day.

It started Friday night with his friend party. We took Brennan and 4 friends to the local bowling alley for the Pizza Bowl.  1 lane, 2 hours, pop, pizza and shoes for 6 - easy peasy!  My mom came to stay with Tate and Tenley, Aiden was dropped off at a friend's house who's little brother was coming to the party so it was just Andy and me with our Brennie Joe and his 4 best buddies!

They were so much fun to watch together!  We never see Brennan in his own element with his buddies, Aiden's always there influencing him so it was really neat to see what Brennan really is like.  He's CALM!  Compared to 2 of his buddies who are WILD, Brennan is mild mannered and laid back!  And really cool!  Whip and Nae Nae came on and all the boys just dropped what they were doing and started dancing -- I had no idea Brennan knew how to whip and nae nae!

The boys bowled an entire game before Brennan opened his presents and the kids had their cupcakes.

The boys all had a great time bowling, eating and dancing - so glad Brennan has such good buddies to hang out with!

Sunday we had Brennan's family party.  He asked for a Lego cake and that's what he got!

Bren requested brats and hotdogs, chips, corn casserole and fruit for lunch so that's what we had.  It was a mild day so grilling worked out perfectly!

After lunch and cake with ice cream it was present opening time!  He was given some awesome gifts! Star Wars IV, a remote control helicopter, a Nerf Super Soaker and a bunch of golf supplies - tee's, neon orange balls and what I think was his favorite gift, a golf glove!  No lie, he was most excited about that!!!

Then we brought out the gift from us.  OMG, I was all choked up by his reaction!  Brennan has been asking for a new bike for 2 years and his wish finally came true!  Like I said, he's a calm kid so he's not one to get outwardly excited but the look on his face!!!  I really thought he was going to cry!  Totally made his birthday for me!

After a couple of quick adjustments he took that bike outside for it's maiden voyage!

Notice he is wearing his golf glove while riding his bike. :) :) :)

To end the day we ran and grabbed some pizza for supper.  It was such a great day celebrating our boy, we sure do love our Brennie Joe!  Boy can he get mad, but he is also so gentle and kind, loving, compassionate, quick to give a compliment and he has a cool sense of humor that leaves us laughing and wondering how he came up with what he said!

Happy 7th Birthday, Brennan!!!


  1. Looks like you had a busy fun filled birthday weekend. Happy, one day late, Birthday Brennan!

  2. I LOVE that you could celebrate with just Brennan during his bowling party.
    And how sweet is his face looking at his new bike.
    Happy 7th Birthday to Brennan!

  3. Looks like he had a great birthday!!! Happy birthday Brennan!

  4. Happy belated birthday Brennan! What a sweet party . . . love that his has friends to celebrate with him!! Bonus points for whip and nae nae-ing - I love to do that dance! Ha! High five to him for the menu - it all sounds good to me ! And the bike - great job mom and dad! Fabulous gift and non-electronic - my favorite!!!
