02 December 2015

What We've Been Up To

I can't believe it, but Miss Tenley is 2 1/2 weeks old already.  In the big picture that's not a very long amount of time, but in Newbornese it is!  A lot changes in that short amount of time with a newborn.  For instance, just as I was starting to write this at 4:00 p.m. Wednesday afternoon, December 2nd, I realized that today I haven't heard any of Tenley's newborn sounds all day!  That means she's moving from the newborn stage to the baby stage, already.  *sigh*  I miss those squeaks and pops already.  (As I was finishing this post she started doing her rapid fire grunt noise she has - so they aren't all gone quite yet!)


Saturday my cousin's sweet wife took Tenley's newborn pictures and a few of our family and just the kids.  They turned out so great!  Here are just a few.

Tenley was such a dream subject - she slept almost the whole time. We took a 20 minute break for her to nurse and pass back out before taking some more.  Then, we laid her on her tummy and she kicked out her arm and dangled it over the side of the basket, we all swooned. Then, she kicked out her leg, too, and dangled it over the side along with that arm!  We all giggled.  She was so darn comfortable!  I think when she's older she's going to be a tummy sleeper like me, I could tell she just loved laying like that!  (I do, too, Lou!)


Tuesday after Andy got home from work the big boys, Andy and I made a couple of Christmas recipes.  It dawned on me that we don't really have anything Christmasy planned this month, I didn't put out all the decorations this year (and I let the boys do most of the decorating which means it's not quite as put together as I normally make it) and I just didn't want the boys to get jipped because my hormones are blocking my Christmas festivness.  So, we made some peanut butter sandwiches and peanut clusters. 2 recipes that are easy for beginners and allow for everyone to dig in and have some Christmas fun.


More on Tenley - from the beginning she has been a very good, easy baby.  She was only up once a night, nursed great and had multiple wakeful periods during the day.  Then Friday came, and along with it her 2 week growth spurt.  All of a sudden she was fussy, wanted to eat non stop and was up 2-3 times a night.  I couldn't help but wonder where my sweet little dream baby had gone!  I figured it was just her growth spurt and that it would pass but still, I was a tad worried and frustrated.  Turns out, I was right.  Monday and Tuesday she still wasn't 'normal' - she slept all.day.long, had no wakeful periods but would only nurse 5 minutes and then pass back out again.  At night she was still up twice to eat, but then she wanted to be up.  Totally had me worried the growth spurt had messed up her days and nights.  Today, though, she's nursed MUCH better, took good naps but also had a 2 hour wakeful period and an hour long wakeful period.  We'll wait and see how tonight goes but I'm hoping we're back on track.  We have her check up tomorrow, anxious to see how she's growing.

You'll probably not believe me but yesterday Miss Tenley rolled from her tummy to her back TWICE!  Yep, we have an overachiever here!  Actually, this isn't new for me. Aiden did the exact same thing at the same age!  My bookends - we already notice similarities between them. :)  She has a natural tan, just like Aiden.  She rolls from tummy to back at 2 weeks old, just like Aiden. :)


Tomorrow night the big boys have their school Christmas concert.  This will be our first event to take Tenley to.  6:30 is when it starts and I'm a tad nervous about it - I know she's going to want to eat while there and I have no idea where to go to nurse her.  If I was at the mall I'd sit out in the middle on a chair and nurse her, no big deal. But this is a small town, I know these people and I am NOT comfortable nursing there in front of them.  So, I have 26 hours to get it figured out. :)


That's a little of what we've been up to lately.

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  1. Those photos are all so great - of everyone! And Tenley, oh my goodness, sweet baby girl. What a little doll!
    I'm glad to hear Tenley may be getting back into the normal schedule. YAY!! Hopefully she just keeps that up. And, rolling over already?! Oh my goodness, slow down little lady!!
    Do you have a nursing cover you could use at the concert? I have one of those and use it all over the place!

  2. All your pictures are so good and she is a doll. You could always pump and feed her with a bottle that way she still gets mom's milk and you don't have to panic on where to feed baby and you won't be missing any of the program. Evan rolls to. Tim never believes me and I always panic when he lays him down on the bed or something because I am always afraid he will roll off so I stop what I am doing to go snuggle with him.

  3. I love this update! Your writing seems so calm....I imagine that is how the last couple weeks have been? Just going with the flow. I love it! She is such a gorgeous baby, I can't stand it!

  4. These pictures are amazing. You have such a beautiful family. How are you doing? The hormones getting to you? How is Tenley? Is she working through the growth spurt? I hope all is well.

  5. Beautiful pictures! I swear, time flies with the 4th child.
    I had 3 very early rollers, so I believe you! I'm glad everything is going so well!
