21 December 2015

Christmas This and That

I'm sad to say we've not been the best parents this month as far as making Christmas special goes.  I use Tenley as an excuse quite a bit but really, who wants to be dragging a newborn all over heck in December with all those germs and the cold weather and whatnot?  So, sadly, the boys have been the ones to suffer.

Having said that, we have been able to fit in a few traditional Christmas activities this month.  For instance, a visit to see Santa!  This year Brennan has asked for a Foosball table and chapter books.  Aiden asked for football and baseball cards, books and an X-box (not going to happen, Pal).  Tate's list consisted of tractors and books, and Tenley wants Barbies, Cabbage Patch Dolls and books (or wait, was that my list??).

On the way to seeing Santa Tate fell asleep in the car.  I knew this spelled disaster, but also maybe some funny pictures.  We walked in and saw Santa was with another family so we checked out the train table, the highlight for Tate for sure!  3 minutes later it was our turn to sit with the big guy.  The big boys had no trouble talking to Santa.  Tate, firmly in Daddy's arms, just looked.  Then it was time for the picture.  The big boys stood on either side of Santa, which left a spot next to him in the chair for Tate.  Andy set him up there and I handed Tenley to Santa.  In that short 10 seconds Tate decided there was no way he was staying there next to a stranger and the tears started.  He climbed down and would not go back next to Santa.  I ended up in the picture at this point.

The boys' Religion Class Christmas Program was a hit this year. They do it prior to the church service and it lasts less than 10 minutes. They sing 5 songs, 3 of which we get to sing along with, which is a nice touch and I love because they are traditional Christmas songs.  Silent Night, Away in a Manager and Joy to the World.  They then sang a sweet little song called Happy Birthday, Jesus then finished the program with We Wish You a Merry Christmas. The neat thing about their program is that each class dresses as a different 'character' from the nativity.  Bren's class were angels and Aiden's were shepherds.  As they walked into the church I actually laughed out loud as I saw Aiden, the shepherd!  It was a hoot!!!  It also made him giggle to see me laughing.  So cute and silly and funny!  These pictures are courtesy of my mom, aka the paparazzi.  You should have seen her walking all over the church snapping pictures for me!  Thanks, Mom!

Even though we didn't do too many Christmas activities this month it hasn't dampened the boys' Christmas spirit!  They are very excited for the big day.  Friday after school they came sauntering in to the living room where I was sitting - Aiden was whistling and Bren was kind of walking beside him so I couldn't see that he was carrying a gift.  They stuffed in behind the tree, made all kinds of noise as they tried to sneakily bury it (all the while I was sitting 5 feet from the action, ha ha!), then they waltzed away like they hadn't even been there.  Ha ha, silly boys, totally cracked me up!  Then Bren spilled the beans and told me it was a gift for me and Andy, and he that he thinks I'm really going to like it.  :) :) :)  I can't wait to see what it is!

Merry Christmas everyone!

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  1. I'm sure your boys have still gotten plenty of Christmas spirit this month despite not doing some of the activities that we parents always think are a must! I bet they'll have great memories of Tenley's first Christmas!! <3

  2. My guys are suffering this year too but just think, its only one year and then you have many many more years of traditions you get to share with all 4 of them.

  3. Do not beat yourself up over not doing all the holiday things. I bet my right arm the boys will NEVER look back and think that this year wasn't as special or magical as any other! Plus, as you mentioned, it is ZERO fun toting around a newborn in the cold. No thank you.
    I do love the pic with Santa though. Everyone's personality shows in the pic. And Tenley with her arms thrown up in the air - HAHA!!

  4. I don't think your kids will even notice. I am sure they are just fine. We haven't done as much as I had planned either. Someone who we missed it all. I am so bummed. But my kids seem to be trucking along, no worries.
