08 July 2015

The Big Reveal!

Yesterday the whole family went to the big city for our 20 week anatomy scan ultrasound.  We decided that with our past experiences we would do a Level 2 US, which is a little stronger and can catch things a little better, such as spina bifida or cleft lip.  

Our appointment was at 9:00.  I checked in and we sat in the waiting room for a few minutes before a nurse came to get us for some pre-US stuff. She took my blood pressure, checked my height and weight and took my temperature. Then she asked me about my past health history, along with Andy's. We went over the results of my integrated screening again then headed back out to the waiting room to wait for the US Tech.  

I was so nervous, was a tad bit nauseous just thinking about the things that could possibly be wrong with the baby.  I spent the next 15 minutes chasing Tate around the waiting room, which helped get my mind off things a little.  Finally they called us back.

We got back in the room and I sat down on the chair, then the tech reclined me until I was laying flat on my back.  The boys were so good the whole time, even Tate was quiet!

She started off checking all of the anatomy.  We saw the 4 chambers of the heart, the heart beating, the kidneys, diaphragm, bladder, spine, brain and other odds and ends.  Then we started looking at the bones.  That's when you see the legs, arms, hands and feet.  She showed us the baby's profile and saw it's face looking straight down on it it. At one point we saw it kick and I felt that kick, which was neat.  The baby was very active again, swimming all over the place in there!  It's hands were up by it's face quite a bit.  

Finally the moment we had been waiting for, the gender reveal!  

I think we were all holding our breath. She asked the two older boys what they thought it was. Aiden said boy and Brennan said girl. She moved the wand around until she found the baby's bottom and said "Okay, it's a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  I think I said 'It is!?!' then I buried my face in my hands and cried.  I couldn't help it! The joy was more than I could handle!  Andy and the boys were laughing at me and so excited, I could hear it in their voices!  I pulled my hands down and asked if she was kidding (like a professional would do something like that!) and she said she wouldn't kidd about something like this.  I buried my face in my hands again.  :)  Such happiness in that room! We were all smiling so big!  It was such an exciting, awesome moment!  I immediately saw pink everywhere!  

She printed off the pictures and left to get the main doctor to review her findings.  While they were looking at the anatomy again I asked that they double check that whole 'girl thing' one more time, just to be sure.  Sure enough, still a girl!  I just can't believe it!  It's a dream come true for me!

After that we left for lunch and did nothing but talk girl girl girl. :)  We headed over to Target for a quick trip through the baby department.  I found a set of pink sheets and a purple chevron set, on clearance, that I snatched up.  Then I found a sweet sleeper that is minty green with pink dragonflies on it, clearance again, that I threw in the cart.  We also left with pink pacifiers and 3 headbands. This little girl will have her hair done!  I can't stop smiling every time I look over and see that pink and purple in my house!

Since the US I have been referring to the baby as 'her' or 'little miss' instead of 'it', which is amazing.  We have no names picked out, haven't even though about one yet.  We have roughly 20 weeks to get that figured out.  :)  

You know we never found out the boys' genders before they were born, which was so fun. And I'm a little sad we won't have that surprise in the delivery room with this one since SHE's a girl, but on the other hand I am so excited to shop and decorate HER nursery before SHE gets here. :)  I just can't tell you how happy I am to have a little girl to call my own.  <3

Oh, and I have to share a silly secret with you.  I wore pink undies, a shirt with pink stripes and pink toe polish to the US to add a little extra mojo to things - lol!  I'm a little nuts!

We told our families of course.  They are very excited for us. My sister and I screamed, felt so good to get some of that pent up excitement out!  Lots of hugging!  It was so fun to share our news!

I already love you more than words can say, Little Girl.  In 20 weeks I'll hold you in my arms instead of my tummy, and I'll dress you all in pink and paint your toenails someday and put your hair in piggie tails and take you shopping and for pedicures and all kinds of other things I have planned for the 2 of us.  We're going to have so much fun and your big brothers are going to take such great care of you! And your daddy, he's already wrapped about that perfectly petite little finger of yours. We love you!

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  1. Wahoo!!!!!!! I'm so excited for y'all!!!! I know she's going to be loved and well protected by her big brothers

  2. YAY!!!! The pink writing was a bit of a giveaway. :) A baby sister with 3 older brothers? That little girl will never be picked on or have any other boy tease her. :)

  3. Oh My Goodness! CONGRATULATIONS, It's a GIRL! :)

  4. Oh My Goodness! CONGRATULATIONS, It's a GIRL! :)

  5. Erin I'm SOOO happy for you... see, you can make girl babies after all!!! :) :) :) She's going to be so spoiled and so loved... and a little girl with three big brothers, how amazing!! <3

  6. Awesome! How lucky is she to have 3 older brothers and great parents?! Congrats!

  7. I so thrilled for you!!! That little girl is going to be surrounded by so much love (and protection from all her big brothers)!
    Congratulations, again!!!

  8. Congrats again... I cried reading this. She will have some pretty awesome superheros to keep her safe.

  9. Crying tears of joy reading this! So happy for yall!

  10. EEK!!!! SO EXCITING!!!!!

  11. OH YAY!!!! Now you get to put that sweet little pea coat to use!! How fun!!!! I'm so very excited for you lady!

  12. This post made me cry! Your boys are gems but I am so tickled for you to experience a little girl. A mini Erin! YAY!

  13. Congratulations! I am SO happy for you! XOXO
