03 July 2015

Friday Favorites

Happy dance - it's FRIDAY! And a three day weekend, which is extra awesome!  Let's see what my Friday Favorites are this week.

First up, Wimbledon.  Let's go back 9 years.  I had never watched a single game of tennis on TV before, let alone an entire match!  And then Aiden was born.  We were shell shocked, scared of our own shadows and afraid to leave the house.  My soaps weren't on TV because Wimbledon was.  And so, with nothing else to watch, we learned the game of tennis.  And Rafael Nadal (a.k.a.Rafa) became my favorite player of all time!  Every year ever since that first fateful one (ha ha!) we have watched Wimbledon, along with other tennis tournaments.  And so, this week with Wimbledon on, it is one of my favorites. And I am sad because I watched my dear Rafa lose yesterday afternoon.  Boo hoo!

Water Pressure.  This one sounds funny but it's not.  I am dead serious.  My favorite this week is water pressure.  Our little town has been working on installing new water mains for the last 2 or 3 years. This summer it's our end of town's turn.  For the last 2 weeks we have intermittently not had water. They have given us a day or 2 notice that such and such a day we won't have water all day.  So for this week that day was supposed to be Tuesday.  Then Wednesday morning we got up - Andy and the boys took showers, then I loaded the washing machine full of clothes and Tate's one and only snuggle blankie.  I pulled the knob and no water pressure.  A little water was trickling out but it wasn't enough to fill the tub.  Over the course of the next 2 hours I would go back and retry, eventually getting the tub half way full.  Finally I checked Facebook and saw our city clerk had posted that the main had broken and they were working quickly to fix it.  Yesterday afternoon STILL no pressure.  I contacted the clerk and she said they had to send out for parts so it was a tad delayed.  Meanwhile Snuggle Blankie was soaked and stuck in the washing machine, and Tate was having a bad day which means he really needed that poor blankie.  I left here at 4:00 Wednesday with instructions to Andy to pull all of that wet and not washed laundry out of the machine and take it to town to get it washed if by 5:00 the water wasn't fixed so Tate would have his blankie for bed that night.  We never regained pressure Wednesday.  Thursday morning, Andy went to take a shower and still no pressure, which means no shower.  We both washed our hair under the faucet with the water piddling out.  So dang frustrating!  *I'm writing this at 2:00 Thursday afternoon and we STILL do not have pressure.  My heart can't handle this!

Girl's Night Out.  Who doesn't love a good GNO?  Wednesday night I went to the big city with some of my friends for supper and a movie.  We met at Olive Garden by the mall and I stuffed my face with that deliciously amazing salad!  And then I ate a little of my chicken parmesan so I could bring the rest home for lunch Thursday.  :)  Then we all went over to the mall theater to watch Magic Mike XXL.  Girls, I have to say I think it was better than the first one!!!  There might have been less dancing (gasp! How dare they!) but the story line was better - not so serious (you know, the whole drug thing).  Loved it!  Laughed and giggled and held my breath, ha ha!  A great GNO movie!

And my most FAVORITIST FAVORITE of the week -- quiet times with my little guy.  *sigh* He just melts my heart.  He threw his loopy toy (what do you call these?) up on the couch, than grabbed his Snuggle Blankie and crawled up beside me while I was reading blogs on the laptop.  He snuggled that sweet blankie up on his lap just so then pushed the little beads all around and made motor sounds.  Again, *sigh*, heart melting.  :)

What's everyone doing for the 4th?  I hope you have fun celebrating our country's Independence Day!

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1 comment:

  1. LOL - I love the reason behind you watching tennis/Wimbledon.
    I sure hope you have water pressure by now!
    Awww, look at Tate. What a sweet little boy, playing so nicely. Just think, before you know it he will be one of the big brothers, too. :)

    Hope you have a fabulous holiday weekend!!
