18 November 2014

#TrackTheTank // What Motivates Me

The #TrackTheTank Ruffles With Love tank top has arrived at my house!  Tia at Hands On Pants Off and Candra from Camo and Lipstick put together this awesome giveaway where the tank gets passed around from blogger to blogger.  When we receive the tank we sign it with a little motivational message, then send it on the next blogger.  Once it makes it through all the bloggers there will be a big giveaway for this amazing motivational tank!

In the meantime, once we receive the tank we are to take a selfie with it then write a post about what motivates us.  Pretty cool, right?

So, here's my 'selfie' with the tank.  No, I'm not in the picture, mostly because I didn't have my hair or makeup done and no one wants to see that!

So, what motivates me?  My family. 

I want to be healthy for them.  I want to be active for them.  Having 3 boys means playing football, soccer, basketball, and baseball in the yard and driveway.  I can't be out of shape and keep up with them, can I?  No way!

Another motivation?  How I feel in my clothes.

I didn't realize how 'bad' I looked until after having Tate, when I lost all of my pregnancy weight plus another 20lbs!  I saw pictures of me with the extra weight and without and holy smokes, I couldn't believe the difference!  I never want to go back to that old weight again.  Shopping is more fun when clothes actually fit and don't look all that bad on you!  Looking in the mirror isn't as upsetting when you feel better about yourself.  I'm not saying I don't want to keep on losing more weight, I still have a little way to go until I'm at a weight I would feel more comfortable with, but where I'm at is better than where I was.

Stay tuned to the blog for the big giveaway -- the girls are hoping to have it going by year's end. 

What motivates you??

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  1. And for the new baby! You will need your energy for FOUR! Thanks for participating lady!

  2. I've seen this traveling tank a few times and it's such an awesome idea!
    Family is my biggest motivator to keep moving. Along with the free therapy that it seems to provide. :)

  3. EEK! The tank is almost to me... I am getting nervous. I better start my blog post now.
